Yet another Pet Waste Removal business, but it's become a monster in 3 months

@michaelchandler See if you can pick up some other biowaste too on the routes, turn it poops and all into compost and sell that.

Depending on where you are and the seasons, with active management of hot composting it is possible to turn biowaste into compost in 18 days or so. Just don't market for edible gardens.
@mypeace The other problem is that it tends to have anti parasitics in it, which is in turn bad for the similar animals (worms, insects) that are quite important for making compost.
@gilliannno It’s still kind of a legit question to be aware of in case the dump caught on to the business. They might want their cut or they might have some bogus regulation that won’t let you dump on a commercial basis in case you’re dumping trash that would belong to another municipality.

I have no idea but it’s just a thought because for me in the world of construction there are plenty of ridiculous requirements like that which can bite you if ignored for long enough.
@becky013 I guess that’s fair. I would stay under the radar though if possible. Most of those types of rules are just so they can make more money, not for any particular good to society.