Your experience with 🍃


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Hey ya’ll I’m a part-time technical founder. The pressure of working a full-time job (at another startup) and working on my own project becomes exhausting sometimes. Weed helps me put in more hours, but I know it’s not a longterm solution. It makes me slow and impatient. What is everyone’s opinion about using weed as a catalyst. I’m open to everyone’s opinions :)
@deecruz im so glad you brought this up.

personally i had a terrible experience. in the early days of initially raising our first round i was reliant on weed. i used it to forget how stressful my life was, being in nyc away from family and so young, running out of runway which only made my mental wellness take a huge tank at the time.

now whether thats due to the weed or the situation, idk. but most of the time as a founder you are gonna go through extreme levels of stress no matter the stage, id try creating a stress-resolution framework before getting into 🍃

use great judgment...good luck
@deecruz weed will help you sit for longer hours, but they might not be efficient hours if you keep having to scroll to the top of the page to remember what you named that variable you just wrote or stop for munchies because typing with orange fingers from hittin that cheetos' bag too hard ain't the move

i smoke quite a bit, and in my 20s I used to think it helped me get in the creative zone, but it mainly slows me down which helps since i tend to have some ADHD type i've gotten older, my most productive time is early in the mornings with a clear head...or late at night like around now because the house is quiet and so is my phone

if i really want to focus, a little mushroom microdose has actually been great as i've gotten older and my brain has turned into a mushy parent brain
@deecruz I feel like nobody who has commented has any experience with weed.

I would say it’s 1000x better than drinking and you can have some very productive sessions high. Just be real with yourself. If you’re high all the time, you’re not going to succeed. It makes you very content. But, if you’re using it 2-3x a week to get through a coding session then so be it. The work doesn’t care what you used to help get it done. It just needs doing.
@deecruz I don't smoke so I don't know what smoking weeds actually feels like. But it would be interesting to know how much people are actually using it to cope. I work full time, too, and working on my start-up at night and weekends. Im up until 2am most weeknights and it gets very exhausting, so I feel your pain. Been asking myself if I should quit my job and work on my thing full time... Just launched, no users yet, but do have plans how I'll acquire them tho it may take some time... in golden handcuff too... Keep us posted!
@deecruz I was diagnosed earlier this year with postpartum depression and anxiety. I nearly died from postpartum hemorrhaging and had to get a blood transfusion. I was prescribed Zoloft and later Wellbutrin. I hated both and stopped taking them but I had terrible panic attacks and constant breakdowns. My husband decided to get me Delta 8 gummies to see if it would help—and they do. Unfortunately I found this out after having to resign due to how bad my PPD/PPA had gotten. As the breadwinner for my family, we’ve lost so much. I’ve only stopped taking the gummies because I need to get back to work and get us out of this deficient whether I’m okay or not. Kudos to those who don’t need it or don’t take it. But sometimes it’s a life or death thing for me.
@deecruz Thank for for sharing. When I was making the most money in my life balancing work, startup, and accelerator - I was smoking 3-4 spliffs a day to cope with stress, anxiety, and other problems. Frank Ocean once said “weed is a cheap vacation” and looking back at it, when you overwork that’s what it acts as, “a cheap vacation.” From one human to another, find a healthier way to cope. It’s never the move
@deecruz It helps me sleep, otherwise I spend hours awake going through all my problems in a loop.
I have anxiety and it’s great for morning sickness too.
But it’s not for everybody.
If interferes with productivity it should be used only when at resting times.