y combinator

  1. C

    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    What is a good way to do this? Do ya'll have a process, set of questions for these people when looking for a co-founder? Even if this person did some research and says they've interviewied N number of customers, etc, is there a way to differentiate them from serious potential co-founders?
  2. T

    Challenges and opportunities that young and student entrepreneurs face

    Hello! I wanted to know more about the challenges and opportunities that young and student entrepreneurs face. Would love your inputs if you have experience in this domain: What are some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business as a student or young entrepreneur? (Lack...
  3. T

    Startup idea: Subscribe to Interviewees

    I want to subscribe and be notified any time Jensen Huang is being interviewed. I don’t care who the interviewer is (i.e. what podcast he is on); I only care when he is the interviewee. I think the podcast ecosystem is organized backwards. It thinks that what I care about is Lex Fridman. The...
  4. A

    Fri, Nov 17 — anyone get an interview request from YC today?

    I still haven’t heard a decision from YC even though we applied by the deadline though we edited out application within updated recently, anyone else in the same boat? We are a SaaS AI health tech startup with an MVP and we are also in diligence with a few vC funds and in diligence for...
  5. I

    HELP! Retract and resubmit or stay the course?

    We have entered the last week of hearing back from YC and I am getting cold feet -- for pretty good reasons! We are a team of 4 serial entrepreneurs who submitted our application on the last day for S23. Our idea is an obvious generative AI wrapper for B2B sales, which currently operates as a...
  6. I

    500k$ for 7%

    Hi guys, Apologies if I am too ignorant on this point, however, can someone clearly explain to me how the investors would like to have a return of this 500k? Mostly in how many years? And second question2)Let’s say you collect 2 M Euro after demo day. Can you set a condition as I will share max...
  7. G

    continue meeting VCs or build?

    Hello YC Community, I'm a Co-Founder of a Developer Tool startup and I'm looking for some situational advice. Just to set the stage we went live with a product 7 months ago, had a couple hundred people try out the product, and got ~65 people to really use the tool in a consistent manner for...
  8. N

    Technical cofounder not performing

    Hey guys, we’re 2 cofounders working on a project about 5 months together now, and it’s going way slower than I expected. I’ve grown our leads pipeline to over $50k ARR in those 5 months of starting but we cant deliver because the MVP is not built! My cto has kids and twice my age, so i dont...
  9. P

    What Are the Main Reasons Wealthy Advisors Are Interested in Advising?

    Hi there, I'm looking to bring on an advisor at my new company. The purpose? To help us refine our product (media) in accordance with a certain market that his business, also media, has succeeded in. However, when approaching this advisor (founder of a company), I want to talk in his interests...
  10. R

    Financial forecasts: B2B with large LTV

    Hi guys We are B2B selling to mid size wealth managers/IRAs A LTV is ~1M I usually use CaC/LTV ratio starting at 1 and growing to 3.5 to estimate the CaC itself But for large contracts like this it can't work as the salary of a salesman is like 50k and my cofounder selling is not even paid We...
  11. A

    Still no y c rejection or anything else

    Checked email and spam. Nothing. Have the confirmation email from when we applied and that’s it,
  12. A

    Does adding a founder after the deadline change your status?

    What the title reads. I don’t think they’d provide a way to update your application after the deadline if it disadvantaged you, but just want to confirm that updating your application (e.g., adding a new co-founder, progress updates) using the portal they provide doesn’t make an application...
  13. M

    Where to live during Y Combinator?

    Is AirBnB a good option for the 3-months?
  14. E

    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    Paul Graham recently posted on X (fka Twitter) that " People who don't want to learn how to program can always find a reason why not to. This time it's AI, last time it was that tech was over because the Internet Bubble burst, the time before that it was that all the programming jobs were going...
  15. D

    Who else has this problem?

    Displays on my apply status page https://preview.redd.it/j8kwcvbcp8zb1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=e66317f062cf3532b437d56fd3aad10fa4ff887d
  16. P

    Over 60% AI and over 70% B2B/SAAS for S23

    Very interesting stats for the present S23 batch. I guess your chances to get in are significantly higher if your startup business model leans towards these. https://preview.redd.it/2vdxkb420jfb1.png?width=1144&format=png&auto=webp&s=7693fc6602a43418d27bd0504e8697a023996f47
  17. V

    Feeling demotivated and a bit lost after applying to YC, anyone?

    For the last 8 months my after work hours, weekends and nights has been spent towards one goal. creating a SaaS platform that solves a problem, from wireframes and scratches on paper to fully working platform almost production ready and apply for YC. In order to go production i need to wire...
  18. U

    Congrats to Jaspar, a r/ycombinator contributor and the founder of Artisan who just raised 7.3M

    If you haven't seen any of Jaspar's reddit threads on r/ycombinator, he basically has been documenting his journey with Artisan for quite some time. Just saw YC reposted an article on their LinkedIn talking about how Artisan just raised 7.3M. Huge congrats @olubiola, and thank you for all your...
  19. P

    "Community Platforms: Can They Secure Funding in Today's Market?"

    Hi everyone, How likely do you think it is for community platforms to receive investment at this time, as compared to generative AI startups (e.g., "API call to chatgpt")? I recently had a discussion with YC founders and they expressed that it's highly unlikely for a community platform to...
  20. C

    Need Advice: Form 83-b Filing for Delaware C-Corp

    Hi everyone, A few months ago, my co-founder and I began working on a startup idea. As we progressed, we decided to incorporate to apply to a few accelerators. At the time, my co-founder was still employed full-time, and due to his employer's rules, he would have to disclose if he owned a...