y combinator

  1. O

    Update: We got an interview!

    We got an interview invite today for https://artisan-ai.com!
  2. P

    Is it true 90% of startups fail, 10% succeed? What do the 10% do differently?

    I keep hearing this statistic, can some better define it for me? Like does success mean exit where founders get x dollars? Success seems arbitrary. And is that at 1 year mark? I get that validating PMF greatly increases the odds of success, too much market saturation decreases odds, crappy hard...
  3. Y

    Lessons from 139 YC AI startups (S23)

    YC's Demo Day was last week, and with it comes another deluge of AI companies. A record-breaking 139 startups were in some way related to AI or ML - up from 112 in the last batch...
  4. J

    If you consider Stripe Atlas, here's a cheaper way

    Hey everyone. I recommend not going with Stripe Atlas to open an entity 'cause it's more expensive and less flexible than if you do it with different services. You need to open a registered agent. I used this service. They also provide a cheaper phone number service (it's necessary to operate...
  5. R

    Which is best C-Corp formation service for U.S. SaaS in 2023?

    Which of these would you choose and why? Clerky Stripe Atlas Firstbase.io Gust
  6. L

    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    Hi everyone, I hope this can resonate with someone and they are willing to share their feeling or help me understand where I'm thinking wrong. I've been a startup CEO for 9+ years now with the same group of collegemates. We're all technical and have lots of experience working and even living...
  7. H

    Is it possible?

    I have bills to pay and I’m eating off my savings while building our startup from basically nothing. I graduated college in 2022 and worked before that, is it possible to work at a YC series B and over company as I’m building our product? Do most people do this? It’s a very real question and I...
  8. C

    Here is what I learned from my previous startup experience

    Many people are getting into startup eco system and asking so many questions about how to do it and what to do next. I thought I would share my experience and learning. We all have those brilliant ideas that we think could turn into million-dollar or even billion-dollar companies. When we...
  9. S

    Can u pivot and apply the second time to the same batch if the first didn’t work out?

    Hi there, just had a quick question. We have two ideas that we’ve been working on, and we see the potentials for both of them. Although definitely one has a bigger priority and we’ve finished building the MVP and we are preparing for applying the summer batch. But just wondering, if the first...
  10. T

    Questions they asked me in my YC interview two years ago

    Hi everyone! Interview season is upon us. For those who are applying, I thought I'd share my experiences doing an interview 2 years ago (and not getting in) + the questions they asked me. I wrote a substack post with the full details, but here's the summarized version: Timeline of events...
  11. E

    What payment gateway are you using?

    Hey community!! Can you answer this for me? What payment gateway do you use at the moment? Do you have to pay a monthly fee or something? What percentage do they take from your MRR? What happens if you generate $0 MRR? Do you get some sort of penalty?
  12. C

    My learnings on cold email – in case helpful to any other founders

    DISCLAIMER: You must have a product that someone wants. Otherwise none of this will work. Anyhow... We are early stage and have been building an outbound motion. To my surprise, having never sent or read a cold email before, it has been the most reliable and predictable sales channel we have...
  13. K

    Data Extraction - Advanced Wearables Technology & Potential for LLMs

    I was watching the launch for the Apple Watch Series 9 and one major question came to my mind- The Apple Watch Series 9 contains the S9 SiP 4 core neural engine in it.. Has anyone trained a model with the data collected from these wearables? If yes, what for and what sorts of capabilities are...
  14. O

    How do you structure a team’s title with 2 CTO and 1 CEO

    That 1 CEO is not a problem but we have two tech guys, if one is CTO, what would the title of the second tech person be? If there’s anything that differentiate the two people, one is full stack eng and another one is data scientist.
  15. G

    I was reading through the history of this topic on this sub and I’m curious about something that doesn’t seem to get mentioned…

    So I’ll be launching a product in the next 4 weeks or so and my cofounder and I have a convenience that most don’t get. Actually we have two. 1 we’re married to our target market, which own their own practices and will be our first customers. This helped us beta test, find problems, and...
  16. T

    If funding is scarce, how should I get my MVP built?

    I am building a cloud gaming startup. However, I am already employed in an IT job in India. So I don't get much time to work on my startup. I have created a mockup of my landing page. My next plan of action is to create an MVP which customers will pay for. How should I go about creating an MVP...
  17. J

    [Question] Is more important for your early-adopters to love you or trust you?

    Hello folks, We are building a gym management system for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academies called Strive, this is the first piece of the puzzle for our bigger vision of having a marketplace for BJJ practitioners, where people can find gyms and train everywhere they go. Having said that, we are...
  18. R

    YC competitors & other accelerators currently accepting applications

    Several announcements by YC competitors in the last week (Sequoia, South Park Commons, HF0, Conviction). Put together a list of other accelerators accepting applications right now, plus terms. Sequoia Arc - July 30th deadline. Seed-stage accelerator from one of the biggest VCs. $500k-$1M...
  19. C

    Why does Y Combinator invest with a Most Favored Nation clause?

    Y Combinator invests $125,000 on a post-money safe in return for 7% of your company (the “$125k safe”. Then they invest $375,000 on an uncapped safe with a Most Favored Nation (“MFN”) provision (the “MFN safe”). Why not just buy 10% equity for $500k, for example? 7% for $125K is a $1.8...
  20. A

    In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)

    Now that the world has opened up, would YC ever get back to doing in-person interviews; say for startups based in the US? Virtual communications are convenient, however I always dislike them because one doesn't get to experience someone's emotions, see their energy & passion in their eyes. I...