y combinator

  1. A

    In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)

    Now that the world has opened up, would YC ever get back to doing in-person interviews; say for startups based in the US? Virtual communications are convenient, however I always dislike them because one doesn't get to experience someone's emotions, see their energy & passion in their eyes. I...
  2. T

    YC Winter 2020 Invite - Countdown

    YC Winter 2020 Invite - Countdown https://getstarted.in/yc So we are only a few hours away from the YC Interview Invite email, from yesterday I have been checking now and then how many hours left but it’s difficult because YC mentioned the date & time in PST and I live in IST timezone so every...
  3. G

    Question for founders who have worked on a startup on top of a FT job

    I’m currently a founder working on an AI SMS tool for businesses - the MVP’s fully built out, and my co-founder and I have been trying to sell over the last couple of months. The problem is that both of us also have full time jobs (the WLB is okay, but we can’t really slack during the 9-5 time...
  4. L

    Hi folks, at which round is the SAFE cap converted into equity

    As you know SAFE cap is converted into equity when you raise money so my question is at which round does that happen because the higher you raise the lower the equity the investor gets. Example there is YC 375k, if you raise series A at 1 mil valuation that means YC gets 37.5% and if you raise...
  5. T

    Any solo acceptances?

    just trying to bump up my previous post to see if there were any Solo acceptances
  6. M

    How figma made $1 billion from this deal

    Hello, Idris here!. This week I want to share a summarised version of the product lessons we can learn from Figma You can find the full case study here Figma, conceived by Dylan, stands out as a collaborative cloud-based web application tailored for designing user interfaces. It made waves...
  7. M

    Is Y Combinator Worth it by Numbers?

    Lately, there have been a lot of discussions about whether Y Combinator is worth it. I crunched some numbers to model different scenarios and different start-up valuations to compare whether the YC's deal is any good and what the other options are. Comparison and cap table calculations: Is Y...
  8. Y

    Raised a little over $1M as a pre seed after getting rejected from YC 3 times. AMA

    Title says it all. I could give the spiel of my journey, but figured I’ll just answer any questions One thing I do want to say is that building a business is really hard. Every day you’ll feel like you are getting you stomach linings ripped out. But you’ll find success you just have to keep...
  9. B

    OpenAI is out for all wrappers - I said it, now it's happened

    OpenAI has now made it possible for ordinary people to create wrappers. I said it here - that it will happen. I thought openAI will charge more, they didn't, instead they opened the market to the general public. With one blow, openAI has killed all wrappers (such wisdom). And now, YC's $500k...
  10. K

    If I build a well curated list of startup articles, would that be useful?

    Thinking of building a curated & community-backed resource hub of time-tested startup articles (from YC library and beyond) and with improved search. Would this be something that’s useful for guiding founders? Especially early stage ones. Genuinely interested in helping the startup community...
  11. F

    Thoughts on hiring contractors to

    Finish building out an mvp. I’ve gotten really far by myself but I am working full-time and I’m traveling with my partner for the next week and a half and was thinking to hire a contractor to finish building what I’m almost done with so I can actually have peace of mind while traveling. I’m a...
  12. B

    Vesting schedule question

    I’m bringing a new CFO to my company with over 35 years of experience as a finance leader. We’re negotiating the vesting schedule and we’re talking about a 7% with 30% immediate vesting and 70% after we close our first deal. I’m not sure if this vesting schedule would be good but at the same...
  13. V

    Transferring 5% equity in Delaware Inc

    I incorporated with Stripe Atlas in Delaware. I own 100% of 10,000,000 shares. I'm trying to transfer 5% to someone. Stripe is recommending lawbite who offer the service for $549USD. This is more expensive than incorporating with Stripe Atlas which cost $250USD. Is there a cheaper way to...
  14. H

    Best B2C App Distribution Tips and Tricks?

    We have 4,000 people on a waitlist for our upcoming B2C app. Our team has a collective 20 year of consumer marketing but not much with apps. Beyond A/B different channels to reduce cac & ltv, does anyone have any tips or readings that can help our journey. Would love any organic marketing...
  15. G

    Why Raising 1M$ ain't all that

    Came here to share some thoughts from beyond the fundraising veil, and hopefully see what the rest of the more experienced founders here think! It took me two years of bootstrapping to raise my first ONE MilLiOn dOlLaRs. It’s not hyperbole to say that a few years before that I would have very...
  16. B

    HELP I have 2 startups

    I have 2 startups, one is in social-accounting-education platform which makes $420k profit this year (9 months old) with 3 employees and no investors yet. I believe in 2024 our profit will be around $1.2 Mio. And the other one is a land regeneration company that I recently started (3 months...
  17. S

    What are the odds to get in as a SADC based country?

    So me and my co-founders have applied for the W24 batch, with what we think it’s a good and very relevant idea in our region, continent and other emerging countries that are dependent on agriculture. So we basically link up investors and small to medium scale farmers. Applied well before the...
  18. G

    AI early applicants - anyone heard back yet?

    I applied last minute (like, literally 8:59) & have been wondering whether anyone who applied earlier already got interview invites (I assume rejection emails will not be a thing since there’s technically 2 months till deadline…).
  19. A

    How are we all feeling about odds?

    Spending as little time as possible worrying about this process but figured I’d check in and see how all of my fellow applicants are feeling. Only a few more days to go until we have a definitive answer! Those without interview invites, how are you feeling about your odds? We’re still waiting...
  20. C

    YC W-24, is all interview invite out?

    As many are still curiously awaiting for the response from YC, is there any ways to understand if all the invites for interview already sent out?