100K views on LinkedIn in less than 30 days


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9 posts 🎉
100K views on LinkedIn 🔥

LinkedIn works pretty well, even if you have just a few Ks connections and followers.

I have almost 2,7K followers, but my average number of views on a post is - 11K

Let's put aside this vanity metric "views".

Let's talk about real traffic:
  • I got 3 posts with promo my content
  • 500 visits on my blogs' article in 1 day
  • 200 views on the youtube video
Is it enough? 😳

NO, with a big N and a big O.

But this is the channel everyone should start doing because the competition is so low🤓

There are lots of different growth hacks to boost the number of views:
  • Use PDFs
    • Initial engagement (there is even a tool for this)
    • Intrigue with the first 2 lines (so ppl will click on "see more"
And there are more!

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