9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

And why would I need an advice necessarily?

You have no customers. You have a 10% activation rate which is bad. Your sign up rate is also bad. 30 calls and no sales. If you honestly think you don't need advice, you'll be posting again in 12 months with even worse numbers.

I said, if someone wants to say anything, I'll be happy to hear it out, and if not then I'd be happy for other people to share their experiences.

Well, we can't say much when you won't share any details. How we have told you to share details and that you're tying your hands behind your back and clearly you haven't really listened.
Is 10% bad? Someone just told me it's good: https://reddit.com/r/SaaS/s/KpZQyw2tif

Yes, it's bad. Good is 35%. And that comment says it's not bad to start with. Which is different from, your stats are bad and you have a lot of work to do. But really, you're 5-months in. You should be seeing money. Basically, you've either validated that the idea isn't going to work or you've validated that you need serious help.

but I would like to keep my product anonymous for now, I have my reasons.

And what we're trying to tell you is that those reasons are almost certainly your problem.

I didn't ask anyone to help me out, and I'm not complaining or anything.

Then what are you doing?
@knownunknown This feels like an ego thing at this point.

Your product is useless if no one ever pulls out your wallet, and if you’re afraid of someone stealing your idea think about how hard it is to build a product and launch.

This thread can literally help you get money in your pocket but you have some weird reason as to not posting your product after months of no sales… doesn’t make sense
@khan1123 I read your post and got really excited to dig into the product and understand what was going wrong. Good traffic, obviously solving a problem, 30 calls so you are active and trying excellent - what's the issue? I wanted to see for myself.... now I've seen you won't share the link, such a disappointment. Stopped reading this thread as there is no point without a link.
@khan1123 So you had people waste their time reading you talking for no reason?

That's way worse.

Anyway, if you have that much interest from people, assuming they're actually people, but they're not buying it, it's because it's not worth subscribing to them.

Your product may not be any good, especially if your previous products didn't do good.

Or maybe it's overpriced.
@khan1123 Does your trial require adding a credit card? Did those 70 people cancel during the trial? Someone use it actively staying on a free version? Here are a few guesses based on the info you provided:

1) Maybe the product isn't a great fit for SaaS (like, it’s not needed as a subscription)

2) The process to upgrade might not be clear or benefits not well explained. Or giving too much value upfront (like the problem is solved during the trial or even on a free version).

3) UX might be complicated for regular users (since when engineers design it might not be super user-friendly).

4) The price / model of the product might not match the audience who need it (like charging $300/month for B2C or $15/month in Entreprise).

These are just guesses, assuming you think your product is good and needed.
@khan1123 Who is your target audience?

One possible explanation is your target audience might just be "nice". Marketers often give a lot of positive comments, but it's a nice no rather than a real yes.
@wutsrongwthme I don't know exactly who visited our site, since it's almost organic views only, but we got sign ups and activations, so I guess it's technical people as well, not only marketers.
@khan1123 Not who visited your site, who did you build you product for? Developers? Marketers? If you would have a chance to speak with anyone at the company to tell about your product, who would it be? That’s your target audiences
@bustinjustin Yes, you're correct. The problem is that I don't know who visited my website, I do know who SHOULD visit, I know who I am targeting.

So I think that it's possible that the majority of those visitors are the wrong visitors, and maybe I should try to target the ideal customer with some ads where I can choose exactly their job positions.
@khan1123 I think you’re not showing it to the right ppl. HN and other platforms are viral but most users just want to play with a toy. Users aren’t customers. Rather have 20 users and 10 customers than 100000 views, 10k users, no customers. Think of where your avatar hangs out and directly show it to those people only. I also don’t have much context of what you do because if you’re selling high ticket for example sales cycles are just longer so you could be completely doing the right thing but not waiting long enough. Hard to know without context
@khan1123 An irresistible product + an irresistible offer = a lot of conversion.

Since I have no idea what your product is about, I can not talk much about the product.

Even if you have an awesome product, clearly there's not much incentive for the visitors/sign-up to put there money on it.

If I were you, I would start making videos. I'll be highlighting how using your tool takes people to a better position.

And I would use facts, numbers and graphs to show the difference.

Your visitors/sign-up must clearly know the outcome of this transformation journey fueled by your tool.

There are 11 reasons why people buy:

- Makes people money

- Saves people money

- Saves people time

- Avoids effort / Improves convenience

- Escapes pain

- Improves comfort/pleasure

- Gets you praise

- Makes you feel more loved

- Improves confidence

- Improves quality of life

- Improves social status

Your product must fulfill at least one reason(better if multiple). Leverage that one reason and show the transformation journey visually.

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