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@khan1123 Money.

You need to get them paying first.

You confuse validation with having... Fans.

There is something magic when people touch their wallet.they either pay, or don't.

That is the true validation.

It is better to make a mock-up, sell and refund them with a note that you are not ready to deliver yet but will gladly let them know when youll be later if they want.

Then, only Then, you start building.
@khan1123 As I said, you have not validated your product first.

Market fit issue, not a big enough pain to pay for, wrong segment, wrong implementation... Etc.

Key is however what I mentioned above. Most start backwards, build first then hope. That ain't gonna cut it.
@truescience4ever Genuinely asking - how are you getting people to pay you when you have nothing to offer - just a promise. I can't get people to pay when I have a lot to offer.

How big of a problem do I have to solve for people to pay me for a product that doesn't exist yet?

Do you believe that this is still possible to do at the moment, when people have very high expectations of the products?
@khan1123 If you are offering a lot but not getting purchases, then you are likely offering green apples to cats.

Barking at the wrong tree is an expensive mistake to make.

Yes you can sell a promise and in fact any early adopter buys a promise, as nobody else has yet purchased and provided proof it actually delivers on promise.

Yes it is done today and will always be.

You need a change of mindset, then you will no longer build products that don't sell. Again I know this well, been there.

Going to sleep now, will read more tomorrow.

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