9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

@khan1123 You need to think like a product owner and a marketer now. You need to add posthog or another tool to your site and study the data, look at recorded sessions and try to identify friction points. You also need to pop surveys at key events some kind of abandonment. You need to do customer interviews, offer some kind of incentive if they will do a call with you. Ask tough questions and be ready for harsh feedback. Compile all of this data and based on the data let it drive what you need to enhance and what features you need to build to increase conversions and reduce churn.
@khan1123 Why do u think hiding ur product from this group will hurt u?
I can assure you, out of the 30 people who signed up, 5 would be people who want to copy.
I am making a SaaS. I am paying almost $600 a month because I have subscription for all my competitors.
If u r so worried about people copying you, then u don’t have a company, you don’t have a product, you just have a feature.
My advice- first read out to make a product from a feature and a company with a product.
You come to a doctor for advice but don’t want to get any tests done. Just want medicine on symptoms.
@khan1123 Book - The mom guide. Create a questionnaire based on the book.
Do you have user browsing data like Microsoft clarity or UXCam? Check what the users are actually doing.
Get on call with customers n understand their jobs to be done and where does your product fit in. If they can live without using your products, they could be solving their problem some other way. Or the problem itself is not that painful for them to pay. Or they don't have the authority to buy. Create a questionnaire and find out which part of the process people are dropping off at.
@khan1123 Sales is not about the product, is about the problem.

Do you solve a big enough pain for people to want to pay for it?

Do you emphasise enough on the pains and the problems you adress?

Do you have the right ICP?
@khan1123 Wow, you are in a good place to be, you have a funnel that's at least delivering prospects. I understand your frustration. Do you have any insights regarding the current 70 users, how "happy" they are? Might I suggest that you could work with them e.g. send them a PMF Score approach by Superhuman (here is a video describing the process in general) and basically reverse engineer that way your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).
@khan1123 Have you considered putting a small price paywall instead of only free trial ?

If it's a low price and people are really interested they will pay to access it, from there if they don't find what they are looking for they will ask a refund. You can then ask them what is missing. I feel like people don't value free product and eventually won't give you honest feedbacks.
@inquiringmama No, didn't cross my mind. However, someone suggested I decrease the free trial time to 7 days.

I'm also afraid that if I add a paywall right away, I won't have any users either, and in this case, even if I have a great product that solves their issues, how are they going to know about this if they can't try it?
@khan1123 Your goal now is not to get 20 customers but 1 paying customer. So you need to accelerate your way to there.
If you have a great product that is solving an important issue, someone will pay.

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