B2B SaaS teams - how did you price


New member
(my team got rejected after interview this round. all of you who did as well, we still got this ! )

I’m collecting emails for businesses in our current target slice. I’m thinking of sending a batch of sales email to a subset offering $10/mo for a service we will eventually provide but via . And if there seems to be traction, increase price for the next batch email to a different group e.g 20$

Those who did or are starting out, how did you set price pre-mvp or later? It just seems customer acquisition is not as straightforward for b2b vs all the go post in xyz forums advices
@devanjames I'm setting up a group for us YC interview applicants who interviewed but didn't get in to keep ourselves pumped up to keep grinding over the summer.

If you're interested to be part of it, send me a DM!
@devanjames Need more detail but I do b2b SaaS sales. Most deal sizes are minimum 4 figures but it differs from SMB, MM, and enterprise.

What problem do you solve? Is it a nice to have or need to have? What executives need to be involved to purchase? Is it a bottom up sale or top down? What’s your segment?
@devanjames I run a B2B startup, for us it was a little bit of guessing and a little bit of analysis. I set an arbitrary price point and then looked at the company’s unit economics at every realistic stage of growth. Then I pitched it to prospective customers and made sure they’d still be willing to buy the product, and they were.
@lightmyway82 Hi @@lightmyway82 we heard the exact same answer from a lot of startups. We are helping startups with taking the guesswork out of pricing.

Happy to share what we are building and if you need any help.