CEO asking to triple salary

@porpoise You're not a CEO...

You're making the same money as when you were hired as a bottle packer? You don't receive a paycheck for 8 months because you're reinvesting your own money into the company??? WHY? Why would you have to put your own money into this company? You're not an owner, and you make a blue collar bottle packer salary.

Are you insane? You're the Sunk Cost poster boy here, you feel like you've put too much time into the company to just walk away. But really what is the alternative? You can ask for a salary increase, but they are not going to give you triple your current salary. If you're so mad that you're kicking the shit out of tables then you're probably going to go into the meeting with a hot head and all kinds of demands, and they'll most likely be unaware of all the nuances of your contribution, completely blindsided, and quite frankly unlikely to believe all of your contributions (because some of them, like giving up 8 months of your wages, are insane).

Give it a try but plan to leave the company if you don't get what you want. You'll have better luck making more money elsewhere.

edit: and not to kick someone when they're down, but if you're willing to work 8 months without pay "to help the company grow faster" and still earning your original bottle packer salary despite all the hours and sacrifices you claim you're making, well your decision making IS COMPLETE GARBAGE. You are seriously a terrible negotiator (for yourself) and someone who makes awful, self-destructive decisions, and for what? To enrich the owner of a beverage company that you have no stock in? WHAT? Your friend should not go into business with you, because you have proven you're willing to do DUMB, ILLOGICAL, SHIT.
@porpoise If you're literally a CEO, manager, or just in charge of whatever it is and are paid the same as the lowest employee then you are getting used.

Also, you should not be giving your money to the company to help them, it's not your company that you are part owner and are lending your own company money.

You are giving them free money that they owe you.

None of this situation sounds good for you.

They should pay you a lot more if you are in charge of everything. If they don't, leave. You literally have nothing to lose from the situation you described.
@namelessempire87 Heā€™s also either lying about the college degree, or English isnā€™t one of the four languages he knows on a ā€œnative levelā€.

Poor kid. These comments are going to be a tough, but necessary pill to swallow.
they donā€™t really seem to care of my sacrifice

Why would they care? They found someone dumb enough to work 14+ hours a day for low pay and sometimes for free for months.

You have already shown they you are 100% able to me taken advantage of. Why would they mess that up now?
@porpoise Sounds more like a popsicle stand than a corporation...CEO...sheesh

Sound like OP is: top salesperson, manager, delivery guy, administrative support staff.

Working as hard as a sole owner on a passion startup - how the hell did you get roped into this without sticking up for yourself???? I would politely ask for that massive raise and if declined - f-ing destroy their business as you leave.

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