CEO asking to triple salary

@johnsonmarkus Regardless of OP and the owners not knowing what a CEO is, OP- I'm curious whose idea it was for you to put your money into the company, etc. What are your expectations, and what does your contract say?

The owners might not really think or care about this business that much, but it also doesn't sound like they have pressured you into any of this? I think this is just a lesson in boundaries and communication. In any business, be clear about who is putting in what (in terms of labor, investments, legal roles) and what they will get from it.

I'm really sorry you're going through so much stress right now.
@porpoise The bad news is you are not CEO. The good news that since the owners think so little of you, I highly doubt there’s any paperwork in place to prevent you from poaching the customers and workers to start your own business, of which you’ll actually be CEO.
@613jono This is the only option where op wins and gets "paid" for all the work they've done.

Incompetent MIA owners will get blindsided by you and won't notice until it's too late.
@slaphappie Can't op go work on his own new company, and then "consult" back at his current company at 5x or 10x the hourly rate? That way op gets the money. They also keep the current company moving along like before.
@613jono Small businesses routinely take advantage of people by giving them high level titles, without them being actual high level employees. I’ve worked in the startup industry for years. Unless it’s on paper that you get equity in the company, NEVER EVER SACRIFICE YOUR OWN INCOME FOR THE COMPANY!!!!
@porpoise Why on earth are you investing ANY of your money into this company when you own 0% of it?

Also, they are screwing you. Quit and go work with your friend starting tomorrow.
@joana27 Because he cares. It's the same reason teachers spend their own money on basic supplies. He actually gives a damn about the business. He's being taken advantage of by people who don't care. His best option is to take the lessons he learned to another company that will compensate him more fairly, or to try to make it on his own. Although something tells me he doesn't have the capital to start a new business.
@car356 +1

Often the "best" people are the first to be taken advantage of. Cooperation tends to lead to mutually better outcomes, but sometimes it's easier to dick over a 24 year old

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