Chase just updated me on my PPP application... after 12 days...

@kman474 Is anyone here who applied with Chase initially and then went the PayPal route. I need to know how to cancel the Chase PPP app, already got funded from PayPal.
@goddey I applied with Chase 12 days ago, received an update today, but i already signed and approved with PayPal, expecting to be funded on Monday.

I guess that when Chase submits to SBA they will decline it as you already had a loan with another institution.
@kman474 I didn’t get an email stating what stage I’m in. Several days ago they said I was in risk review. But whenever I email them I get an auto response!! SO FRUSTRATING!!
@kman474 I got that too but Im not sure they even have an application for me. I filled out some preliminary form and clicked submit and off in to the ether it went no email acknowledgement of any kind. I think my current status was one, Their whole response and information is so disgusting
@kman474 Does anyone know what the process is like once you’re in stage 3? I know we are awaiting the SBA to get funds which hopefully happens this week. Assuming they pass more funds to the program, what hurdles could the SBA approval throw our way and how long from stage 3 to funding take under normal circumstances?

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