Feeling demotivated and a bit lost after applying to YC, anyone?

@valeska Building a startup is hard. Here are a few things I would recommend:

- Try to find the right balance between working on your startup and enjoying your life (with friends, family, etc). Take time to do stuff outside of your startup. I'm saying this because you mentioned in a comment that you barely go outside of your room. It's not good for your mental health.

- Don't build to get into YC. Build because you're going to help people get a better life with your product. Once you're ready, go find some customers, build a waitlist, have them try your product (free or paid version but taking payments is always better). Stripe has different products so you get revenues quick (without integrating a payment getaway on your app). I think you need to be incorporated to use Stripe's products but not sure.

Now maybe you need a break from your startup. That's ok to take breaks don't feel bad about it.

Once you come back from your break, keep building and improving. Apply to other investors too.

Things that will attract investors and prove you're serious about your startup: incorporation of your startup, a dedicated team (even if it's just you), having paying users (even if you don't have a lot), growth of your numbers (even if it's a slow growth).
@elijah2017 Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated
I already incorporated the startup in the US

Stripe is for collecting comission payments, my product is free.

I know i can send payment links, or using off-site payment but in my vision i wanted it implemented( i already started, 75% done)

Yeah i feel i need a break but i am always afraid to lose momentum, i get into the room but when i open my laptop I immediately get out of focus

After all the feedback i got on this post, now i am sure i need a break 🙏🏻
@valeska Some advice from someone who has worked for a company in S23, I wouldn’t idolize the “YC” brand so much. Find something else to pin your attention to, like finding new customers or building new features, what you actually need to become successful.

Getting chosen by a select few people at YC to be funded isn’t a marker of true success, getting your product in front of those who want to pay for it is.
@valeska Hey, you are working hard and on your way. This gets so lost in the YC and startup communities, so worth reminding ourselves of:

The point of a business is not to get into YC, raise funding, or hire a team. It’s to make a product that people love and pay for, and to generate profits.

If you have P-M fit, everything else is way easier.

Keep your head in the main game of test/learn -> insight -> iterate.