Friend wants to open a business (IBO) in my name for $500/mo


New member
Does anyone have any input as to the risks involved?

Here is our conversation from earlier today (F is him):

F: What up
F: Know anyone that wants to make extra $500/mo
F: I need IBO signers for our products
F: Basically i need processing capabilities from other businesses

Me: So signatories for credit accounts?

F: We would open a business in their name (Independent Business Owner IBO). And would process some of our transactions through there. The actual person doesn’t have to do anything except open a business bank acct. everything else is taken care of and we ship $500/mo for about 1-2 years.

Me: What's the business? Why do you need IBOs? Risk? Who am I working with/for? Contract? Why not a percentage of gross vs. a flat $500?

F: Lol that is not this

Me: You would still be utilizing our credit though, right?

F: $500 is the going rate for this which is why it’s $500. I don’t use your credit

Me: What's the risk 🤔 Worst case scenario

F: None. Worst case scenario you can’t process for a similar product of your own for a few years. Which you 99.9% will not have a product like this. I wasn’t asking you directly tho. Was asking if you had friends. You can do it tho if you want

Me: Well if I'm going to rope friends in to something, I want to know what the risks are. Rather not destroy a friend network

Me: And would there be a contract and who would be the partner in the contract on your end?

F: Yea there’s a contract, I am the contact

Me: So you are the other party on the contract, as an individual? Or a business owned by you?

F: Another business but my personal business
Going for a run. Post any questions here

Me: What's the product?

F: In home women’s laser hair removal
@dogheaded If those accounts charge back on you because the product they sell is bullshit or any number of reasons all that money is on you. Don't fucking do it.
@dogheaded And if you get flagged for some reason. Like if that company is kinda dirty. You'll never be able to own a business again in your life or atleast be able to run credit cards for your business.
@dogheaded Why would you even ask this. Definitely a bad idea. If your friend does this to anyone, it’s probably a good idea to report them to the FTC and cut ties. Honestly sounds like a pyramid scheme
@dogheaded I just don't see the benefit of letting someone else open a business in your name. All the issues and legalization that cloud arise would fall onto you...

This is like saying I want to buy a car, but it will be under your name so when I crash your car, get a ticket, and stop paying - it will be on you

I don't know what IBO is, but it sounds odd. Maybe someone here knows more about it.

also this person's approach to ask about friends is a common sales tactic, so I would not buy that baloney haha

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