Garry's response to the rubric

@ejohnson Is it elitist or is it just merit-based? I don't see YC as a place where if you are advantaged in life you have a higher chance of getting in. Quite the opposite.
@humbill Young, Ivey league, alumni referrals are not merits. I doubt YC gives a shit though, they’re a venture capital, if killing babies meant a higher chance of successful startup, that would be on their list. They’re not here to do the world or little guy any favours, they’re here to make money
@ejohnson Nah, but at the same time I realise that unfortunately there's no better option. Most of the other accelerators are either grifts or useless. I haven't seen one that compares. If you have, feel free to share.
I mean all you have to do is look at the backgrounds of the Group Partners to see how they feel about having an elite background. Gustaf seems to be the only one I could find that didn't come from explicitly an elite background - obviously he worked at Airbnb which helps the pedigree part, but doesn't seem like he went to any elite university or anything.
@trying_to_make_it Look at what they do as much as what they say. I mean, Garry recently hosted a get-together at his house where only Stanford grads could come.

The elitism is real, but the unfortunate truth is that it works and has made them billions. There’s no debate to it.
@masterpiece His house is probably big, but it's not an arena that can host all the several thousand YC alums. He has to filter. Besides, he's a Bay Area activist, so this was probably something to do with that
@trying_to_make_it All rumours are false until officially denied.

There is no doubt in my mind that YC runs applications through some filters or even ML models to rank potential, and those features are probably in those models.
@micky123 Only those who get in… can launch. Or are you implying that the current batch is only people who meet the above criteria?

Not sure why you would assume that if you don’t have any data - whereas you can see the body of data from all the founders who have been accepted in the founder directory ( Man just imagine if some of y’all tried half as hard building something rather than finding ways to write yourselves off.
@grounded All I said is that the directory is NOT a comprehensive list of who got in, only those who got in and launched. You can filter and look at number of founders in each batch, it’s clearly not everyone that got in.