Garry's response to the rubric

@trying_to_make_it I don't know about YC but VC in general seems to have an extreme bias towards elite universities (at least according to this guy There are probably many factors at play, like elite uni grads being either more driven, better connected. I know from my own experience with VCs that accepting elite uni grads is politically an easier decision. None of the VCs own investors question you for accepting a Stanford grad over someone from a uni you have never heard of. It's also away to limit your liability as a decision maker ("Elizabeth Holmes studied chemical engineering at Stanford, how was I supposed to know...?").

Imho the charts sentiment doesn't come out of thin air, but I also don't think it tells the full story. It does at the very least lack a column for traction and it might mix up correlation and causation.

I do wonder why Garry would lash out like that though.
@trying_to_make_it I don’t want to give any wrong information, trying to be honest. But something I saw related to age when applying for this fellowship was how it mentioned less than 10% in YC is under 24 years old. I always assumed that there were older individuals now a days in YC and it’s interesting chat favors young folk to a higher capacity when I do notice a lot of people older than 25 in YC. I could be wrong though but just wanted to share

Link: in the “how is Telora better than YC”
@trying_to_make_it Sorry to disappoint friend, but I know three people who got into YC (separate companies) and were part of the Low/Very Low categories. I happen to know two separate founders who got to the interview stage who fit in the the LOL/ROFL.

This was across the 2017/2019 and 2022 camps.

I'm not saying it's easy but you're trying to make an assessment based on randomness and human decision.Shiiiit, I'm friends with another founder that got to the interview stage three times with ROFL/Very Low. Twice by himself, once with a tech cofounder. He never got in, but he got to the interview stage three times.

Go and build something people want man! Get to building brother! I understand if you feel hard-done by, need to let out a frustration for not getting into YC, but your customers don't care if you were part of YC or not. Same way they don't care if you have an MBA or not. Just build something they care about. Get to it!