How we made $4,000 from an info product


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Hey guys,

We launched our info product Product Hunt Workbook, in mid-September and we crossed $4,000 this month. We reached this milestone by launching our workbook in 3 phases and today I’m going to share them with you so you can use it to launch your product.

Before that, here’s a quick summary of what is Product Hunt Workbook : Product Hunt Workbook is a step-by-step blueprint to rank on top of Product Hunt. We built this workbook by interviewing 25 makers who ranked in the top 3 of Product Hunt and putting all their launch strategies together.

Here is how we launched and promoted Product Hunt Workbook to reach $4000+ in sales.

Phase 0: Pre-launch

We decided that we need to get sales for the workbook before we launch on the product hunt. This will help us to validate the idea and also set a deadline for us (so that we won’t delay the launch).

So, we created a waitlist landing page using convertkit. And then we started sharing build-public updates about our workbook on social media and plugged our waitlist page in the comments to get subscribers.We also built 2 mini products and did a giveaway on social media and Indiehackers:
  1. List of 45+ subreddits to share Product Hunt launch
  2. List of 50 best taglines on product hunt in 2023.
With these efforts, we had 900 subscribers(Giveaway + Waitlist + Our website forms) on our email list. At this point, we decided to open pre-orders for our list.

So we put up a Pre-order landing page and we sent 3 emails to all the subscribers about the opening of the pre-order deal.

From this 3 email sequence, we made 19 pre-order sales.

Phase 1: Launch

Once the workbook was finished, we sent access to these 19 members who pre-ordered and got their feedback.

Then, we did a soft launch on Twitter, and LinkedIn. From this, we made around 5 sales.

Post our soft-launch, we decided to launch on Product Hunt and scheduled our launch on 29th September.

We started promoting our Product Hunt launch on Twitter and LinkedIn actively by plugging coming soon page link & increasing followers for the coming soon page. We reached out to our maker friends & our audience asking to support on the launch day.

With all these efforts, we ranked #2 on Product Hunt, got featured on the home page and in the PH newsletter that got us 12 sales.

Phase 2: Post Product Hunt launch

After seeing the positive response from the community and reviews from our previous users, we felt that our workbook is solid and we needed to promote it more.So we did these things from November to today:
  • Launched on other platforms like Peerlist, Affordhunt, Insanely cool tools, Indiehackers, etc.
  • Since it is a Notion product, we submitted to notion marketplaces and notion’s official template gallery
  • Added Product Hunt Workbook as an upsell to all of our free products that we sell on Gumroad.
  • Sent user reviews of Product Hunt Workbook to our subscribers once in a while
  • Created a mini-product called “3 Email ideas for a successful launch” and did a giveaway in exchange of email address
  • Setup funnels and 3 step email sequence for our free products to upsell Product Hunt Workbook
  • Collaborated with and plugged our workbook on their website
  • Opened affiliates for workbook (Still working)
  • Created a side project, which is a directory of top hunters on Product Hunt ( and plugged workbook in the sidebar
  • Posted content about workbook on Twitter, Linkedin, Product Hunt, and Indiehackers very often.
With all these we crossed $4,000 in sales and we are looking to
  • Built more free side projects
  • Run ads on social media
  • Improve our affiliate marketing reachouts and emails flow
We hope these will help us cross the $5k mark soon. Will share more about how it goes soon.

I hope this post helps you to launch your product.

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