I’m a Growth PM looking to help a few startups here get their first 10 customers profitably (for free)


New member
Bored with my day job, I want to do some good and have fun with some volunteering work.

My background: I’ve previously bootstrapped, profitably grown and exited 3 startups with revenues of 10M$+ yearly in the last 9 years.

I probably know a thing or two about going from 0-1-10-100. So, I want to help a few people here get their first 10 customers.

DM or just comment if you need any help.

P.S. This really is a free service, I’m just helping myself not be bored and growing digital-first businesses is all I love doing.
@kayheartsong I’m preparing to launch buffed.me - mobile app for clipping content from games. Happy to chat about ideas how to grow it :)

Another thing I’m building right now is an app that transforms users books into audiobooks (take photos of pages —> get audio). It’s targeted for parents who want to get audio versions of children books. It’s a side project but always great to brainstorm about ideas how I could get some extra revenue from it.
@kayheartsong I launched the app wheelbees.com and launched past year. It's very difficult to 'grow' because it's a unique concept and I can't use the classic growing methods like SEO or SEA.

Did gain some users (now approx 2000), but it's difficult to gain more. Do you have any tips for a startup with almost no budget? Appreciated :)
@kayheartsong I have too many ideas I want to build. As a Technical PM, I sort of know the process - launch a landing page, demand before supply, etc. Curious what your "proof of customer" approach is.

Does this look right?
  1. Product estimation. Think about how big the market actually is
  2. If there is a market, then comp research
  3. Not that it matters about comps anyways. Launch landing page.
  4. Tell the world. X, Reddit, ProdHunt, FB groups, social networks (aka guerilla marketing)
  5. Take Presales (authentic demand Merrik Furst). Basically tell your email list, if they want it, deposit $100 for lifetime, or you won't build.
  6. If that doesn't work, then pivot or kill it
One of my ideas - moodboards.ai - I basically did this sans #4 and #5. Purely organic I have 132 emails. I'm thinking about doing #4 and #5 soon.

P.S. #5 I knew about but never considered it a step. So I might do that now with my email list. If 20 put down $100, then I will hire a dev (hate the idea of building at my age)
@kayheartsong If you want a real challenge, let me know. The hardest model (marketplace), hard industry (HR). Just finished beta and getting first users.


I think it could be a great case for you
@kayheartsong I don't know what a growth PM is, if you have money to invest and help grow that would be helpful to me, my problem is I'm very weary about things being done well, I actually started making once but I stop because I didn't think the service and products I was offering wasn't good enough

I have a new plan now, and I would like to hire people to do the work, I want to do the work myself, and I somewhat realize I need a HR person. Because I think the personal vulnerability approach is a bad card to play when trying to recruit talent and comes off unprofessional.

And untrustworthy.

Basically if we can talk, and I tell you everything openly, and you tell me how you can help me, I would appreciate it. And cut any deal with you that would be fair to me and you.

I would like to focus on the bigger picture of things and start a new project already but can't because the current one requires to much attention and when I'm focus on certain areas I neglect the important other areas, so like I really need to change how I approach things and delegate etc

Either way I believe I can do things without your help but if you can actually help me and results happen then why not.

My only fear with this, is being backstab of rob somehow by you, like I need to sign a NDA or something but it's a headache to do all that but huge mistake if I don't

So idk

Simply put I'm interested in having help now instead of not.
@kayheartsong Hey there, I'd be keen to. chat with you because i'd love some help! I haven't launched yet, but i'm just finishing a landing page before I launch my MVP and see if there is any interest in what i'm building. You can check out the LP here: www.sidefire.co

I haven't shared the website with anyone yet as it's still a work in progress.

I'd honestly love some help getting first 10 customers and your feedback.

Cheers man!
@paladin6 My main suggestion at this stage is:

Give value first, take value later to build your community before you build the product.

It seems like you're targeting 9-5 white collar workers who want to build a side hustle and you're offering them community-led assistance + a buddy/mentorship program for building their side hustles. Why should they trust you?

Let's do a value check:
  1. Why would I join this community over facebook groups or other startup communities?
  2. There are a million gurus on the internet trying to sell the dream you're trying to sell. What do you bring to the table that's easy to follow and practical enough for this audience that can be distributed through a digital experience?
So, here's what I would do:

Where does your target audience spend their time online? Start by posting free value content in 1 channel. This is the channel I'd be targeting for Sidefire: Youtube (as I know there's a large in-market audience already consuming this type of content there).

There's alot of shit content out there, focus on showing evidence-backed or research-backed methods to build sustainable side hustles. This alone will easily rate your content higher than 90% creators in that space. Even better? Build side hustles and give it away to the community for free, documenting the whole journey.

My content strategy would be "edutainment" (make it fun to watch and educational at the same time) style covering topics like: 1) Pain points, 2) Common reasons to not start a side hustle, 3) Share a step-by-step sidehustle blueprint from Sidefire that should be easy enough for majority of the audience to follow and 4) Offer free weekly help for top participants in the channels.

Majority of my efforts at this stage would go towards building up evidence that addresses this concern:

What makes Side Fire an authority figure in the side-hustle space? Why should I trust this community over Tate's University for example?

Create some case studies with your/others past achievements at first. It'd be better if this is sourced directly from your Youtube channel's audiences.

Once you've started actioning on the above, think about the product next. Happy to chat more if interested! :)

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