I’m a SAHD of 4 kids under 9. My wife works but doesn’t make enough. I’ve started a few different businesses with some success but I’m stuck


New member
Bluntly, I’m screwed. We’re so broke right now and my wife is trying side hustles and works a full time job. I’ve tried a few side hustles but holy hell I cannot have more than 10 minutes without a kid.

I’m hopeful and emotionally we’re in tiptop shape but financially…

So a quick question: my wife has a website, Etsy shop, affiliate program etc. How can I help her get more traffic while on my “bathroom” breaks?
@mystyrock Frankly, you need to think about simpler, surer money than side hustles. You're not personally going to drive traffic to anything - that's lightning in a bottle style virality (you have it or you don't, it's the right time or it's not), or it's a marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns require spend.

I also wouldn't recommend selling product. Selling product is incredibly hard with marketing and sales - you need a well-defined audience, an easy path to speak to that audience, and enough money to boost your signal over all the other people aiming at the same audience on the same channel.

What I would recommend is re-framing your issue, and then imagining simple services that create stable revenue. You're not going to make any money in a 10 minute break between interruptions - I'm a parent, I know the reality of it.

You need to consider working off-cycle from your wife, in a fashion that still leaves you both with enough energy. Basically you need to work nights or weekends - and she has to be childcare when you are.

As a start I would look at: weekend lawncare work (starts with just a mower and weed-eater), if you're handy a "handy-man" business (you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find people that can just come in and do something like patch a wall, turn the spigots back on after winter, fix a falling gutter, etc.), or a part time job such as gas station clerk. Home transcriptionist is a thing you can do, and could feasibly do in evening hours from say 8pm to midnight while the kids sleep.

Long story short, find the simplest, surest way to increase your income, and focus on services (or employment), not products.

Good luck.
@mystyrock You have way too many kids to even consider working from home or starting your own business without

1.) a full time baby sitter

2.) any kind of 3rd party help

3.) working nights.

You are certainly correct in saying you're screwed and, unfortunately, your quick fix solutions aren't going to cut it. You need to find a job working while your wife is at home.

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