I am 19, I have around 100k ready to put into a business. What should I do?

@igortachkent You’re 19. You have the one thing many of us don’t. A long period of time to watch our investments grow.

If you put the $100k into VOO today, without adding a single penny to that fund ever again, you will retire with $2m at age 65. This is accounting for 7% interest. You literally have to do nothing else.

Or, invest 30k of it into a startup, and put the rest in VOO. And you’ll end up with $1.4m.

Best wishes.
@kuskus1 it amazes me people still think this is a good idea instead of putting that money into assets so he can enjoy being wealthy young. Putting that money into a "retirement account" is retiring the money. You want that money to slave for you, making you money 24/7 actively, not wasting away for hopefully a compounding return you can enjoy when you're old as hell -- if you even live that long
@kuskus1 The sad truth is $2 million dollars in checks notes 46 years will be peanuts. Considering that number is roughly what you need to retire today. 2 million dollars in 2069 will be nowhere near close to retirement money.
@igortachkent Hear me out:

storage units

I’m reading you can get a commercial property with about 10% down and cash flow approx $4K a month.

And you’re in real estate without dealing with tenants and their toilets.

Maybe get a job at one and find out how they run, systems in place and what not before considering if it’s right for you. Win/win.

Now this is not as sexy as VOO, but I think it may be a mostly recession proof business.
@igortachkent Have you looked into purchasing other types of routes? Bread, chips, tortillas, and the holiest of holy, Pepperidge farm. DSD vendors regularly clear 100k a yr. Buy one out right, hire a driver and finance another one to run yourself.
@crkodn I know a guy who bought a chip route and he’s just stuck working out straight everyday paying off the loan he bought the route from. Now he has to buy a new box truck after driving an absolute beater and will be getting in debt even deeper. I feel bad for the guy honestly.
@mercy743 Yeah that really sucks. I bought and sold one, then leveraged the profits into another one. Mine is paid off and I own my truck. If done right, they can be profitable.

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