I am 19, I have around 100k ready to put into a business. What should I do?

@bdubs This. Leverage that 100k and buy something like a 4plex. Live in one unit, rent rest. Live nearly rent free. Save save save. Build another business, use home office deduction. Mortgage deduction. PROFIT! Keep in mind, this will kind of tie you down, it’s a long term plan.
  1. Pick a business you are interested in and have an affinity for and some skills that would be useful in
  2. Put your 100k in an index fund and don't touch it again
  3. Get a job at the highest quality business in your chosen industry that you can at the highest level you can
  4. Work in that business for a few years
  5. Get funding to start your own business. Do NOT use your own money for anything more than incidentals
  6. Build that business
The biggest mistake you can make is to use your own money with no experience.

If you can't convince anyone to invest in or loan money for your business, you don't have it ready to go.

Otherwise, bootstrap something. Just don't use your own money.

Did I say don't use your own money?

Don't use your own money.
@igortachkent I think opening a business should be dictated by being enticed by a specific opportunity, not deciding to start a business and then figuring out what you're going to do. Wait for opportunity to present itself. Don't mess it up because obviously it'll cost you a fortune. Continue to get experience in the meantime

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