I have a huge game changer idea. lol


New member
So I know everyone thinks it. I would bet anyone 1,000.00 that if they heard me out they would be interested if possible. I am knowledgeable on tech and possibilities. Just not on how to make stuff do stuff. I’ve had this idea for at least 5 years. I can’t reach anyone that can help. Tried direct contact for the tank, Cuban even Ryan Renyolds lol. It’s a matter of time till it comes to reality. My other ideas I’ve had over years was digital picture frames when digital cameras were just catching in like late 80’s-90’s. May have been in motion but I wasn’t aware. That is not even close to this one. If someone could assist I’ll do a very favorable split or if you can just pint and connect and if I get a deal I’ll do a good bird dog. I’m pretty secretive due to knowing how the shit works so nda and I’d prolly trade or copy write before I’d disclose. But I’m 1,000,000 percent certain it will be huge and Amazon, google and Samsung would be the targets and all drool for it.
@bonnielee Well that’s where I need some help. I know every single thing I have for features is 100% possible. Have most of it I think! lol. Originally I was trying to find someone to buy the idea and found it’s not. So a pi and or durinos would be used.
@bblack4jc Again an idea isn't worth any money. Nobody buys ideas.

I suggest write a 1-page plan and share it with people.

Or see if you can make a prototype and do it.
@bblack4jc By experience, I'd rather suggest to take even inputs from the community by laying out your idea. The level of surety you have on anything may be tested but I can tell you with a greater confidence that you won't lose anything
@bblack4jc This is what I tell people - if you are 1000000% sure this is a banger idea, and you're offering a split, why don't you take out a loan, and pay someone to build this, then take 100% of the money for yourself?

I know the answer, and everyone else does.
@rjacob97 If I had typical resources I’d have moved on it. I don’t have the coding skills needed. Multiple reasons. I put it out there. If someone is into it then so be it. If not when it comes out I’ll say that was it lol
@bblack4jc I don't think you understand what I'm saying - if you are so sure this idea will make money, and you don't have the coding skills, then take out a loan, and pay someone who does have coding skills to make this for you.

If you are sure that it will make money, then returning the loan will not be a problem.

It will take months of hard work for a programmer to work on your idea - if it fails, what do they get? They get a "oh well, we tried"? And all the energy and effort that went into it goes unpaid. Meanwhile, you lose nothing, because you think all that's needed is the idea.

So what I'm saying, if you believe it's a sure thing, take a loan of $20k and pay a developer for 3-4-5 months to make this for you
@rjacob97 I had to fast track my finances to buy a house unexpectedly last year due to my uncle passing and my mom lived with him. So I bought the house. Create was never perfect and had to do some shit that didn’t help it and it’s still rebounding from the house and car I stupidly bought lol. Loans aren’t a possibility at the moment. Me being absolute that moneys made and the bank believing in me and trusting I’m gonna pay back.
@marwa I mean I’m certain, the first person with the ability, connections to make it a thing will be down. Or steal it lol. I really want it to happen because it’s a godsend. It’s an obvious thing that should be done and I don’t get how it’s not. And that makes me think I’m missing something and it’s not possible. I know each process and how they work with the product and interact with each other. I mean it would be in an excel file I think? I don’t know back end.
@marwa I have free legal. The app like I was trying to say is prolly all excel and existing code that just needs to integrate with each other. I mean shit like ifttt is almost to the point of making it possible to do for anyone
@bblack4jc Great, now you have an easier task. You can feel confident in hiring a developer to build it and then hire a out reach expert to reach out to google and amazon when you have the MVP ready.

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