I have a huge game changer idea. lol

Second person that recommended that. lol. Should prove I’m not insane. I only bought the house due to my mom. She lived with my uncle and he passed she would be in the street. I mean I’m not against doing this as a group thing. A collaboration. My whole pursuit was not to get rich just a few bucks. That’s why I was trying to pitch it. I’ve emailed people in my company that worked for I believe Google but he’s high high up in my company so he was prolly like piss off like everyone. And these constant criticiziims and bs call outs want me to spill it so bad. I’m 1,00000000000000 percent sure it’s valued. All the things that it will do are done in some form or another. This consolidates them, and personalizes them specific to the person
@bblack4jc There are tools like bubble.io to build fully functional prototypes. Sounds like you are spending a lot of time talking about it. Save yourself more time and build it in 1-2 months on bubble.io. then get real feedback.
@bblack4jc I have a concept: a cream that will make bald people grow hair. I'm 1,000,000 percent certain it will be huge. Now I only need to find someone who can develop that cream for me. I feel we are in the same boat bro.
@rbalmer289 I don’t need it developed. Concept is solid. I mean if you’re not interested in assisting or taking part why comment? I’m obviously out of options it seems to me. So let me do my thing. Gabe a coke and a smile and keep on keepin on
@bblack4jc I'm just saying, that having an idea and even a concept isn't enough. Some investors do invest in ideas or concepts, but in order to find one you either need great connections or to pitch many many investors without asking for an NDA because nobody going to sign it.

I don't know the complexity of your product, but it feels like the best solution would be to invest in creating it on your own, investing your time and money in it. The way it feels even if you find a capable guy able to develop that product for you, he will be able to do it on his own after you disclose the idea. 99% of people will refuse to sign NDA unless you have a proven record of successful start-ups.
@bblack4jc That's a terrible split for somebody that can execute this for you.

Also, 99.9% of venture capitalist / angels won't sign an NDA on a fully finished business trying to to raise capital. And you want your co founder too?

On top of that, you want to spend 30k or more on a technical patent without any proof of concept.

It's obvious that you don't know how this process works. That's okay, but unless you have some other amazing skills, this idea is worth 5% equity for you.
@bblack4jc Yes, it should be 95% to them, and the rest of the team. If you can't find an investor right away, then you would need to pay a lot more equity to the team if you can't pay a salary.

You said it's a smart home device, so probably at least a 3 to 10 person team is needed to actually grow this business.

I don't think how you know much work is really required to go from idea to on the shelf product.

What about safety approval for the wiring, patient search, C Corp setup, multiple prototypes, etc.
@bblack4jc Hi, is it a mobile app?

I think you will not convince a VC without having a MVP.

And I would even say more. Now investors want you to already have customers and be almost profitable.

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