I have a huge game changer idea. lol

@bluemoonzenna101 I told a guy this when he pitched me his idea. You know what he did? He got on the phones, made hundreds of cold calls, and set up 10 meetings that same week. I chose to work with him after only the first meeting concluded. Initiative is so rare.
@613jono I told hundreds of people the same maybe five things and almost no one does it.

But it's always the same.

Bro it's a billion dollar idea everyone will want it. It's so amazing I can't tell anyone. I need an NDA.

Same people have 0 xp in the industry they wanna go into. Never done anything before but just need everyone else to do it and have chumps give them money so they can keep hyping it.
@bluemoonzenna101 It’s unreal how many people are like that.

I once had a guy push back after telling him to set up 5-10 meetings with interested prospective customers.

“Well that’s a lot of work and seems like I’d be risking spending a lot of time on that when we don’t even have a product to show”

… I feel I don’t need to explain the irony of that one to you! 😂

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