I left my bank job to start a painting business 3 Years ago. We just hit $2.5m in sales. Here’s what I wish someone would’ve told me

@heyheyheynoname Thanks for the post. I think most people don't understand the importance of good hiring, which results in poor fit, poor performance, poor retention, and a condition of continual interviewing, hiring and training. It's hard to escape that when you really need bodies unless you're very deliberate about it. Great tips.
@74rider Yes exactly. It definitely doesn’t get as much attention as it should especially with “sweaty” professions. If anything, these should have even tighter approaches to hiring given the public view on trades in general.
@613jono Ever since I started the business.

Although 2.5m is not hard to attain in this business per year, scale the leads and add 2 or 3 more crews.

paying for them, mostly. We're getting some slight word of mouth. Even with Covid it's been about 5-10 wom this year