I [M] wants to start selling [f]emale jewelry


New member
Any advice for a straight male trying to start a female jewelry business?
I really want to start a female jewelry business when I came across it when I was browsing for product to sell in my home country. The currency is very weak against the dollar as I type this, so my buying power is strong right now. Each jewelry cost $5 or less before shipping. I was told the shipping cost is $30 per kilogram plus additional charges. Of course, I will be buying in bulk. I am planning to sell on my own website (will figure out how to do SEO or pay someone to do it) and instagram. I did a bit of research on price of jewelry and I find that they are around ~$30-$50 for a similar design. I am planning to sell them at $30-$35 range. As far as quality goes, I don't know and I am planning to buy some samples from competitor and then compare them.

Now, before I do all this. Anything other than my checklist that I forgot? Any advise for me?
@ijrgerohnoxi Yeah, I agree. It's definitely hard but not impossible. I think the average person can see success in eCommerce with jewelry if they are willing to work long-ass hours, have decent market demand, utilize all of their mediums, etc (eBay, Etsy, Amazon, and their own site). But as I'm realizing, I'm going to have to expand my product offering to make it anywhere (yes, I have a jewelry website of my own). Just focusing on jewelry is not usually viable unless you've been at it for years, and have built up a faithful audience...or if your SEO is perfect, etc.

There is just so much competition! I'm going to have to pull in other products and give it a lot of time and effort before I can actually start making decent money. I have the web developing side of things down, though, so at least there's that. I'm actually extremely happy on the design side of things.
@aellagirl How do you know the jewelry is quality jewelry, tbh I am nervous about the quality of the samples, even though they look real good in the pictures.
@dsts Curious - why your own site rather than etsy, ebay, etc? If you're set on having your own site, start with ebay, amazon and etsy while you have your site built and running in the background.

It will take time and $$$ to setup your site, drive traffic, etc. It doesn't happen overnight. If you start with the current channels available a) low barrier of entry b) low if any cost but your time and a larger portion of the proceeds c) generates revenue MUCH faster than trying to kickstart a site from scratch. Think of these services as bridging you into your custom site, but who knows maybe you'll have immediate success and find that etsy and the like can be your main channel.
@natmeister79 This is why I am here. I'm looking for input, and I'm here to learn about new stuff. I might be wrong but I feel like selling on eBay, amazon and etsy would somewhat ruin the jewelry brand image, some might see it and perceive it as cheap. I have a wordpress that I use to mess around with, and there is an ecommerce plugin that allows you to transform a wordpress into an ecommerce website. Very good looking website. I am planning to build traffic into my site by spending $ and giving out products to pursue yt makeup gurus, instagram and twitter users with millions of followers to endorse my online store.
@dsts I understand your point. Getting up and running with Wordpress and Woo or Shopify is pretty easy, not much of a learning curve. Wordpress is awesome!

That being said if you're focused on the brand image you may be looking at a custom theme, custom design or hiring a designer to make it look slick and work like a finely oiled machine from the front page through the checkout process. Wordpress sites have a wordpress site 'feel' (typically - it is what it is), have that commodity type feel, if you do go that route hopefully the product can speak for itself and you don't get drowned out in a sea of doppelgangers.

If you have the budget to drive the traffic you should be in good shape. Drop me a link when you're up and running!
@dsts Start online business with olympuspromotions.com they will give free estimate and make you a website to start selling jewelry to the world
Unlike other web developers they can have your name pop up every time someone types in jewelry. Olympus will get you E commerce it will make sure the transaction is successful, something customers look for when buying online. Olympus is the most affordable marketing service. Works exclusively with people. Olympus can get your business in the mainstream.
If you contact them they can advertise your site to thousands of people in your area with target marketing. Olympus only works with startup businesses and small businesses for the people.
@dsts It depends on your request it's really affordable though like you pay the given amounts such as a website name a host and a server with security which is directly 150$ anywhere and it goes up from there you pay through pay pal so you can't loose money because if you don't like the service you can take your money put
@dsts So depending on how many pages your looking at most affordable a one page interface site at 300 to four hundred with labor and at the end of the year 150 to 200 to renew your web page. So after the designing you pay yearly . Contact contact@olympuspromotions.com think of purchasing a phone the new iphone cost $1000 then you pay your plan. But if you payed 500 to 1000 on a site it's business can get you revenue to pay it off in the first month, can your phone do that.
@dsts It all depends , if you bought it directly to make your website is where it starts. It directly costs 150$ to just get your hosting and .com name , however that's our deal . Buying on your own May be a little more expensive. But we also design your site and get you traffic to your site. Really if your an entrepreneur you need to be able to do this online anywhere so we give you a private email to your site. Prices go up though depending on complexity of site by page count. We try to be extremely affordable and we give you a yearly plan after that to renew your website license so you will continue to pay yearly on the price to create it but as for our designing is a one time cost so a simple site probably 300$ to five hundred total and a yearly payment of 150 to do maintenance on your site and renew your web liscense
@maryann31 Instagram, ask users with millions of views to give me a shout out in exchange of some products and cash. YouTube, same thing. Twitter, same as well.
@dsts Yes you could do just ebay but you getting seo would be pointless without a site google provides Adwords so if you just want to keep selling like that Adwords is your best bet

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