I quit my job to start my own business. And today was my first day as a full-time business owner. I am both excited and nervous. Any pointers?

@more2much dont become an employee of your business (not legal advice, strategy advice)

What I mean is: Work ON your business and IN your business . Otherwise you're creating a situation that cant scale and your the bottleneck and its all the down sides of job with all the downsides of a business.

Your going to be overwhelmed by what needs doing, create a schedule that isolates and targets certain things that have to be done.

Your good at some things, hire out for the things your not good at.

Have a mentor: 70% of businesses fail within the first 5 years, unless they have a mentor and theat number reverses.

SCORE is a good resource.

Youtube is the greatest invention is history dont miss out on exploiting it for all its worth. Marketing research, promotion, connecting with others.
@more2much You just have to be ready to learn new stuff, to adapt to new conditions (if any), and to face new challenges. When you stay in one place for 8 years and then quit for another one, you get out of your comfort zone so you might feel uncomfortable. And, that's Okay. You have to understand that take it easy. Just take one day at a time. Don't try to "build Rome in one day"

Changes could be difficult, but sometimes you just have to do it. I'm sure it'll all work out in the best way for you.
@more2much Listen to people in your field. You are going to get a lot of unsolicited advice from those that aren’t. Keep expenses low. Find your minimum operating cost and you’ll always be grateful when you blow past it every day. I’m year 6 in my bakery and I always remind my wife, “Remember when we prayed for $80 in sales a day to break even?”

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