I work for a D list celebrity

@konsidine Dealing with someone who stole from his own members who have and earned history creating many iconic songs we know but was able to be trade mark it so they can earn the profits. But nothing I’m claiming here is really anything new under the sun in this industry.
@duzt Yeah. He “wants to build a hotel.” The problems with simply stating this and pawning off to an intern vs the insane difficulty, hard work and years it will take to make that even choose to a reality are mind boggling.
@thislittlelightofmine You can offer them a sure fire strategy to move from D list to A list. Start by convincing them that in 2024 body hair is out. Like all of it. Shave them eyebrows there boss if you want to go far. If they respect you and do as you say then ask for a raise. If they refuse it’s time to quit.
To add to this. Make sure they know that it is not your job to shave their private parts. They need a professional to clear that forest