if /r/entrepreneur agrees on 1 thing.... opening a bar is a BAD idea, but I STILL want to

@charist This honestly sounds like a load of bullshit to me. You are saying that you get someone else to pay to open the bar, and someone else to run the bar, but you profit 500,000-2.5mil per year? Tell me what unique skill or personal risk did you provide that allowed you to be paid in the top 0.1% of the population? It just doesn't add up.
@ladyk To clarify, I didn't own the bar, I managed it. The unique skills they possessed were excellent marketing and networking, foresight to see that the area was going to take off very soon, and they'd adapted a great concept from NYC that hadn't been done in the city before.

The owners aren't your average Joe who decides one day he'd like to open a bar. They're serial entrepreneurs who can execute.
@charist That's huge -if someone is good at business, they can often translate their skills and experience into just about any industry to excel. Socent15, do you happen to recall one or more of this particular owner's past areas of success? Thanks for the insight you've given us!
@ladyk I'm almost certain that the loan from the supplier would involve personal guarantees from the bar owner. There's no way they're just handing out free bars to people. OP would still be taking the risk, he just wouldn't need the cash upfront.

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