I'm a B2B SaaS startup marketer. Share your SaaS & I'll provide 1 potential marketing tip specific to your business

@josephjourneyman Thanks for sharing — hallo von Ihrem Nachbarn aus dem Netherland!

Your target audience is car mechanics, which generally speaking, are not tech savy people who care about a fancy website. But they will care about this being easy.

I would add a section pretty high up on your homepage:
  • 3 steps on how it works
  • Use 10-15 second GIF to show the step alongside
  • Keep it short, concise
As I mentioned in the original post....I will always disclose when I pitch my product, so without further ado....here's Spectacle: https://spectaclehq.com/product/how-it-works/

This page is an example of how to show this — however, I imagine yours will be shorter and on the homepage. Or a page like this could work too.

Note: All the videos/GIFs on this example are made with Spectacle. It's free to use for 3 videos & you can automatically update the videos when you make product changes so you don't need to create brand new videos. I'd recommend this for your videos too!

Hope this helps!
@littleangelone Love the edginess.

I would continue to lean in to this and let it guide your branding.

If you have the budget, I think Reddit display ads would be perfect. Seems you have the fun graphics part down, make more like this and you'll catch people's attention for sure.

Disclaimer: Make sure you find the right platform (like reddit) for more boundry-pushing ads. Something like this won't do as well on Google.
@nedu Its B2C but Im working on this in my free time and it started as something for myself:


Its hard to market because you are basically not allowed to post about it in the specific communities.

I wanted to test ads and see what results I could get but even Reddit blocks my ads requests, probably because the name contains the keyword "Crypto".
@rijames99 Happy new year and thanks for sharing!

Your website tells me you are passionate about what your offer. Unfortunately, the message is not clear. I don't have any real grasp on how it works (are you an agency or service or product) and what the outcomes are (do we get leads or data or other).

Work on getting your messaging down first, before any other marketing efforts.

Some tips on how to do this:
  • explain what you do to non-tech people/non-target audience so you know you have a clear message and value proposition
  • ask this subreddit to roast your landing page
  • look at how other successful SaaS companies write marketing copy (doesn't need to be in your specific industry)
@wubete Hi! Thanks for sharing and congrats!

I have some experience in the Fintech space. One takeway I had from my time working in anything finance/accounting/payments is that trust matters.

Given that you are still early stages, this is a challenge so you don't have that established name and customer stories.

As a workaround I would suggest some website updates/changes like:
  • Remove the emojis and multiple font types. You want to be professional, not trendy.
  • Create a landing page (link in footer) about your encryption. This is good collateral to send to potential users +potentially pick up some SEO keywords.
  • General facelift to make the website more corporate looking. A corporate website can be pretty simple, but it should be clean and straightforward. Again, your audience isn;'t suited for something trendy.
Hope this helps!