I'm giving up on my SaaS sales journey

@aliceh Because $5 is much cheaper than the overhead you’ll have to undertake to self host and maintain it. Version upgrades can be messy too. If you have that much of time on your hands, you might as well just copy paste variables from .env files.
@chunhe889 what it do. can you put your landing page through chatgpt and dumb it down.

envsecrets is a tool that helps developers manage and synchronize their "secrets." Secrets are sensitive pieces of information like passwords, API keys, or any other confidential data that applications might need.

oh makes sense. One place to change secrets got it. I got some secrets in aws, some in vercel.

unless im thinking it wrong.
@chunhe889 This is definitely a pain point for many devs & ops teams, esp. those who find starting with one of the big 3 cloud providers cost prohibitive (teams that opt instead for DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, and the like).

This issue comes up regularly on various subreddits. You should also check out forums like Level1 and Lawrence Tech. You just need to get more eyes on this; particularly smaller teams (startups, small companies, etc.)

Your freemium approach is appropriate for a product like this (except maybe put a limit on the number of secrets in the free tier), but I would NOT recommend targeting medium/large/enterprise customers at this stage of your company (unless you land sizable funding). While your product might be rock-solid & fantastic, larger companies are much more risk averse, so they tend to only want stable/established vendors, and rarely give the time of day to a solopreneur. Get established before moving up market.

Keep at it. For now, you'll have to split your time between product & marketing (you really can't/shouldn't ignore/put-off marketing until you find someone). In a way, this is a good b/c you really should know all aspects of running your business before you delegate. It'll certainly be a rough go alone, but very much doable. Get good at time management; and just keep chipping away. Best wishes.
@chunhe889 Wow that’s a slick looking landing page, you put me to shame. I’m 1.5 years into my micro SaaS with only $142 MRR, I say keep going with yours (if that’s what you truly want to do).

I personally do the see the benefit of what you’re offering, I’ve thought that something like this would be really useful. A nice way to keep up with annoying env variables everywhere. It’s hard enough already for me as a solo indie dev.

I’m sure large teams would find an appeal to what you’ve built.

Kinda mad, no gonna lie - I’ve worked my butt off on my Nuxt sites for several months after just learning Nuxt, but your site is gorgeous.
@chunhe889 Not at the moment since I'm solo. Tracking env variables is already suuuuper annoying as it is, and I use Azure - I don't think I saw Azure on your landing page - but since I'm solo, I can make do for now. It's not a house-is-on-fire type of need for me right now, but I'm keeping this in mind for possible later use, especially if I end up hiring some part time contractors in the future.

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