Is starting a business a sign of a midlife crisis?

@huntbchsocal Its not a midlife crisis. Its just that when you reach this stage in life you realise you have the experience and knowledge to do your own thing instead of working a dead end job to make someone else rich.

I did it 5yr ago and am happier with my work/life balance than I've ever been, and making more money (47)
@huntbchsocal I’m 26 and my partner is 36. We started our business 3 months ago. We bring realistic looking dinosaurs and fossils to all different types of events. We have a T. rex costume that’s looks real, it’s 7 feet tall and 12 feet long. Kids love it.

We booked 60 gigs in about a month. If you are reading this and think your business is stupid,keep going and trust yourself, there’s money to be made everywhere in any industry lol
@huntbchsocal I felt like starting my first company at 39 was a midlife crisis for me. Once I had kids and became a father I went into overdrive.

I’m still there. More ambitious than ever.

I didn’t quit my job though.

I always promised my wife if I have a midlife crisis I’m taking her with me lol.
@huntbchsocal Hi fellow soon to be 40 year old. Having kids changed everything for me. I realised giving the kids the life I want for them (which includes me being more present) wasn't possible as a salary man.

I had a major health scare which pushed me past the point of caring about others fears they have been projecting onto me.

Go for gold, ignore the well meaning advice of others. Ask business owners for advice, rather than those who have spent their life as an employee.
@huntbchsocal Not sure that I would call it a "crises".

I think midlife "venture" is a better term.

We're in the exact same boat though.

I guess at a certain point you realize it's now or never and work furiously towards a different life. I'm personally grateful for my job and haven't left it yet, but that is the goal.

I mainly don't want to be beholden to giant corporations anymore.
@huntbchsocal Who cares. 90% of people won't swing their axe because they think its dull. Then they'll waste their entire lives sharpening it and cursing God because its too dull.

Rule 1 for entrepreneurship: everyone is an idiot, don't listen to them when they say it can't be done.

That includes yourself.

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