Lessons from my YC Application review


New member
I reached out to several YC founders to review my application; they shared some valuable feedback and here is how it went.


1) Contacted YC Alumni = 15

2) YC Alumni's that actually responded = 5

3) YC Alumni's that recommended = 2

Did we get in? Does not look like it, que sera sera.

What I have learned:

1) Communication is critical. Reviewers use their 'gut', which is susceptible to unconscious bias. Concisely and impressively describe yourself and your idea; never throw buzzwords, exaggerate your merits, or focus on vanity metrics. What they want to see is a founder that can build, sell, and learn.

2) YC prioritizes industries based on risk profiling: B2B AI, DevTools, and OS projects with traction. Location, school, and previous founder experience plays a huge role. Consumer products have lower chances, contradicting their top valued companies; times have changed.

3) Luck plays a role. 3000+ people vying for a 270-capacity batch is competitive, and beyond your control. Depends on your reviewer's mood, preferences, industry understanding or if they even read it. Don't take it personal, it was free to apply.

What's next:

Work and iterate on your idea pals. Undoubtably, YC has a great distribution advantage, investor network access, and mentorship that will help your startup, but it is not the only path to success. As long as you get people to pay for your idea, you have a startup, just keep taking care of your customers. GL.

For us, we got invited to apply to TechStars, and striking partnerships to improve our distribution. Probably change the name too lol.

What you can pre-YC:

Use local incubators, apply for startup credits, try grants, and keep talking to strangers.

Our YC Application: YC Application Google Drive

YC Alumni Feedback: YC Application Review Comments GDrive

If you also have feedback for me, please DM 🙏🏻.

Also, to the Alums that took their time to review ❤️❤️.
@daveo Wow such a cool idea, and the fact that you have actual users is so sick! Honestly YC seems to be hit or miss, I have a friend who has got in with just an idea and zero MVP, arguably its a hardware product which needs VC funding, but stil. Who were the interviewrs if you don't mind saying, this honestly effects your chances soo much
@daveo Thanks for sharing.. I'm not from yc but just took a lot
There are quite a few serious concerns about the business model..
  1. You say you're Uber for personalized nutrition. But Uber had not turned a dime in profit for a decade until like this year or so. That business model worked last decade but I won't try to sell investors we are the likes of next Amazon, Uber or any other loss making companies
  2. Barrier to entry is low, which means the business completely depends on marketing skills, not technical. A non technical founder with excellent track record in sales and marketing seems more of a fit for CEO
just my two cents.. you don't need to answer me.. rather be prepared for your pitch
@daveo This is really cool! Awesome that you guys have revenue.

Also noticed that you guys are in Toronto - we’re also a nutrition startup based in Toronto! Would love to connect and share experiences. Feel free to reach out!
@daveo Hey congrats on submitting and application and being brave enough to share it.

i hope you don't mind, but I ran it through a tool we made. Here is the response.
@daveo YC people live in 2000s, I don't give a f*ck to what they say about co-founders, their places, and many other things they talk about

I'll wait until May 29, then will unfollow YC and everyone from YC and any startup related to YC

YC is becoming a less attractive VC for many

It's just interesting for noobs, copycats, and some noob employees from FAANG companies who were not successful in their jobs and now call themselves co-founders

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