Selling business - Financial presentation - What to include?


New member
Hi all,

Someone close to me is selling his business. Its an SME with roughly 20 FTEs and 10M$ revenue per year. There are a few parties interested.

I was asked to give some advice on what to put in the financial presentation. I’m having a financial background, but I’ve never created such a presentation. Hopefully you could give some advice.

What I thought:
- Table: 5 year trend overview Balance Sheet (1-level deep. E.g., for Fixed Assets show split to buildings etc.) and Profit and Loss (showing Gross margin, EBITDA, EBIT, Net Profit)
- Full 2022 balance sheet and profit and loss;
- Graph: 5 year overview revenue with split to top 10 customers (anonymously) and rest), to show no high dependence single customers;
- Graph: 5-year overview revenue (bar) with gross profit, ebitda, ebit, net profit as a line
- Graph: 5 year overview with top suppliers (anonymously) and ‘rest’
- Highlighting specifics (one-time expenses, Covid impact)
- Reporting key strengths (e.g, conservative financing);
- 5 year overview with revenue split per product group
- 5 year overview cash flow statement (operational cashflow, free cash flow, net mutation)
- Key financial rations (%) last 5 years: Net Margin, Gross Margin, EBITDA, EBIT, Solvency

Am I missing something important?


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