Started a business from scratch, looking for tips or related reads to get it off the ground


New member
A few weeks ago, a friend and I launched a new service providing an expired article scraper and bulk content service to bloggers, affiliate marketers and small businesses.

My main promotion strategy so far, has been using a contact form auto submitter to send cold email to bloggers using the contact form on their websites, but we just had 2 sales in 3 weeks which is not enough to cover our costs, so we're still working at a loss. The thing is that our target market is too broad because literally everyone with a blog needs cheap articles, so I'm not sure what keywords to target on my auto contact form submitter. So far been trying some blogging related keywords I extracted from google keyword planner but it hasn't worked very well

I would love some feedback from fellow entrepreneurs about the 3 products we offer, which can be found here as well as the pricing, website design, marketing strategy and any other tips you may have.

Thanks! :)

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