The story of how I FINALLY made money with a gpt wrapper... in under a month :)


New member
Here's a quick story about my biggest SAAS success to date.

I was working as a software engineer at Expedia. On the side, I was running cold email outreach for a few saas companies.

One of the most time-consuming aspects of doing cold email was writing the email sequences. Especially to do proper A/B testing with 2-4 variations of each email. I ended up shortcutting this with chatgpt. However, vanilla gpt sucks at writing emails, so I slowly put together a prompt I'd use. Along with the prompt, I'd input the company's product, the pain point of the buyer, and any metrics or case studies I had.

The result was pretty good. It got me about 75% of the way there. It saved a ton of time.

I have built a few gpt wrappers before, and it's honestly a lot harder than it sounds. Getting quality results that are accurate can be difficult. But, I was already using gpt to write these emails, so I thought I might as well at least build the tool for myself.

My initial repository commit was on April 20th.

I used it myself, and it was awesome.

I hosted it completely for free for anyone to use. I tracked IP addresses of users to see how many people tried it.

  • Over 300 people tried it by marketing on X and reddit
  • 21 people generated 6 or more emails
  • 16 people came back on a later date to use the product again
This was enough validation for me to at least give it a real shot.

I finished up adding sign ups and payments on May 4th.

I launched on product hunt... and TADA! Crickets. A few more sign ups but no paid users.

Once I implemented sign ups, I allowed everyone to start with 5 generations for free. People loved it, but I noticed multiple people would abuse the system, creating multiple accounts for themself to get more free credits and avoid paying.

So I made the scary decision to completely remove the free plan 2 days ago.

And in the last 24 hours?

I got my first 4 subscribers.

I'm not rich by any means, but man it feels good when things finally start to work out.

I know it's kind of lame giving advice to others when I'm sitting here at $36 MRR, but at one point I would look up to me now, so here's my advice.
  1. Learn from every failure, take a break to gather yourself, and try again with your new knowledge. This is my 5th saas product I've built, and I'm excited about $36 MRR... it's not an easy road. But every failure contains learnings.
  2. Start with the distribution. If you have a killer idea, first think about who will purchase it and how you will reach those people. Please have a plan before writing any code. For me, it was cold email. I can easily target thousands of business development reps who send cold emails every day and could benefit from my tool.
  3. Be patient. It sucks but you simply have to be patient. Even if you are doing everything right, it will take time for you to build a trustworthy landing page. Don't try a marketing channel for a day and give up. I'd give each one at least a week, maybe a month before assuming it doesn't work.
Hope this helps some of you who are just getting started. I'm always excited to talk about building saas projects, feel free to dm or follow me on X.
@sloanep I’m gonna give a serious try today, abd and a rigorous try over weekend. If it works up to my satisfaction, I’m gonna subscribe.
And congratulations on your launch.