We bootstrapped our SaaS to $60K MRR with a team of 4

@cherishedgirl I just found Tally yesterday and I absolutely loved it right away. Amazing job with the entire approach to the problem with forms, I can appreciate that as a product marketer. Also, great way to measure PMF and great work with the cold outreach grind. Would definitely use Tally!
@cherishedgirl I believe it was from a form I filled for someone and I loved the experience so I decided to check it out. PLG working smooth as butter! :)) I'm actually also working on an MVP for a new startup that would very much benefit from a simple way to send out simple forms. I'd love to chat about possible collaborations.
@cherishedgirl This is awesome. I love your 1 tier pricing plan. I think that is criminally underrated by people. Don’t get me wrong, I want every dime that I can get my hands on, too, but everyone has hyper-optimized and paywalled EVERYTHING. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one taking this approach.
@caseyanne2 That's actually one of the reasons why built Tally and chose a different business model. We also didn't like the experience of hitting a paywall after collecting x submissions and wanted to make a product that was honest, and easy to use with a simple pricing plan

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