Who wants his business idea getting validated for free?


New member
Hi Reddit, I have seen many people sharing awesome business ideas on this or other subs but unfortunately ideas are cheap and we all risk to build products nobody actually wants. I’ve pursued many ideas myself and failed more often than not. That’s why I started working on a new all-in-one platform to test business ideas with an integrated landing page builder, ad creator, surveys, and more. We call it Balloonary.io because you can create fast and simple test balloons with our platform. Fun fact: we tested the idea of Balloonary with Balloonary itself and the traction we saw boosted our motivation to do the next step! We recently launched a new beta version and we are looking for real business idea test cases to get user feedback about UI/UX and overall feedback on the results. Therefore we offer to validate your ideas for free, meaning we give free access to the platform, collaboration on the setup, and up to 100€ ad budget . If you have an idea that you always wanted to validate but never had the time to or wanted to deal with the technical part, now is your chance! Just leave a comment and I will pm you.

Edit: Thanks for all who requested to participate. We have closed this round for the moment. We will probably reopen it very soon. You can still leave a comment and we put you on the list.
@jamesdtyler Really really great idea for sure !
Myself too I tried to launch new products without succeeding, and, going through the idea validation process is a lame. I’ll test it for sure ! And maybe use it on a long-term basis