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  1. W

    I want to create a SaaS product but I don’t have a technical background, where should I start?

    @estherann I'd explore some of the nocode options like bubble, noodl, etc. r/nocode should point you in the right direction. For something simple like this I think you can get up and running within a month.
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    Buying a Saas for 50k?

    @nineteenkilo "Probably". Most likely though considering the app already generated 10k users and half are active (if accurate). There's clearly demand for whatever the app does. OP mentioned these are free sign ups, not clients. Not uncommon to get sub $1 CPA for these via FB ads.
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    Is it worth running around $1000 in ads if I'm targeting developers?

    @everyrose Ad blockers take money to "whitelist" advertisers :)
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    Buying a Saas for 50k?

    @kobbyclaude Not every SaaS is extremely complex and takes a year to build. Some things are actually simple and can take a few weeks to build. You're talking hypotheticals that may or may not be true. I'm assuming OP knows his facts and going by that. If we're talking hypotheticals, sure OP...
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    E-learning SAAS

    @jonsey444 Ah, I thought you meant coding a unique platform from scratch. Yeah, I'm seeing more creators using whitelabel platforms over Udemy and the likes. I think Fireship has a custom solution though, and one of the best creators doing it rn as far as marketing. It depends on your course...
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    Buying a Saas for 50k?

    @kobbyclaude OP is a software developer and says himself he can easily rebuild it. That was literally the first thing I quoted. Even if it takes 3 months to build, that's 50k he doesn't have to spend. He could even outsource and pay 10k to have it built and still have money leftover that could...
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    E-learning SAAS

    @jonsey444 There's plenty of ed-tech platforms already out there. Building a course, building and maintaining the platform, and doing all the marketing legwork seems like much more work than necessary. You'll get farther either focusing on the platform and recruiting influencers/teachers or...
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    Buying a Saas for 50k?

    @bod2411 So essentially you'd be paying $50,000 for 10,000 users. At $5/piece that seems pricey considering you could probably acquire those users cheaper with paid and organic marketing. All of this sounds like a bad idea.
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    Beware of - " I will build your SaaS for x amount " scam

    @wdub There was another user /@genjesus that started spamming the sub with a similar offer right after that thread. Take a look at the post history and you'll find they're most likely the same person. I had a feeling he got someone to bite on the $500 offer and upped the price to see if he could...
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    Experimenting with Paid Ads on X and Reddit: Here's What Happened

    @huckfinn151 Nothing fancy. I'm not the best with FB since I only running campaigns a few times every year. The algorithm seems to always change so it's not really predictable. I typically catch up on strategy changes through FB groups and reddit and just start testing until something sticks.
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    Experimenting with Paid Ads on X and Reddit: Here's What Happened

    @bluesky68 I haven't had much luck with Reddit. I initially saw high bounce rates, but saw that drop by making adjustments to the ad copy. The ads blend fairly well so I feel most clicks are accidental if it isn't 100% clear it's an ad. Subreddit targeting played a bigger role than I anticipated...
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    Cofounder quit - a quick story and lesson learned

    @katiemygirl I saw a glimpse of it. Or whatever he wanted me to see. I wish I could share more, but it's hard to explain without getting into specific details. One vague example I can share is him talking a large corporation into shooting a commercial about him and the company. Not a low budget...
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    Cofounder quit - a quick story and lesson learned

    @hirono This hits home. Had a co-founder I knew for 10+ years previously and even helped me get back on my feet when I was in a rough spot financially. "Good guy" all around. I even shared an office with him, so got to see a glimpse of his work ethic firsthand, which I admired, and seen him...
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @brasyliam I see "roast my landing page" posts frequently on r/saas. You could give some value along with some free promo demoing it on those posts. Could maybe get you a few early sign ups.
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @brasyliam How so? Analyzing copy, design, data? If you have data to back up it works, I'd lead with that. Make some case studies, do some cold out reach, and offer it free. They only pay if they see improvements on their end. If they do, ask for a testimonial. Once you have a few under your...
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    We spent 40 Days to build a product no one wants to use

    @niceguy01 I just did a google search for "youtube summarizer" and there's an endless number of these apps doing the same. Seems like the bigger competitors have suite of tools they can sell access to, while the standalone ones are ad supported. If these numbers are accurate...