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    Restroom Trailer Rentals. A Truly Sh**y Sweaty Startup. :-)

    @lovedsecurefree Can you DM me the vendor you work with?
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    Restroom Trailer Rentals. A Truly Sh**y Sweaty Startup. :-)

    @tammyhanery How and why’d you get into it? Just something you fell into? Would you do it again? Any suggestions on where to start for the research?
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    Is starting your own business solo worth it? Is it difficult? I have questions about your experiences

    @juliussneezer Owning and running a business takes a lot of consistent work. I’ve run a business solo and now running one with a partner and both have ups and downs. Doing 35-40 hours is possible but it’ll go slower. If you don’t have money for advertising, you’ll be doing a lot of door...
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    How do I get organized?

    @hira We had one that was specific to our industry but it was expensive and we didn’t use it fully. Spending $500 a month just to put customers and photos in it. Thanks for the input, I’ll just have to do it and make sure we use it.
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    Im creating an app that pays users to play basketball. What are the cost of maintaining an app once successful?

    @eaglehearted This isn't a helpful comment, so I apologize but if you can get this on a national level, that would be awesome. As someone who's always looking for pickup games (for any sport) where ever I move, this would be quite nice to have. Or even when I travel. I saw your post a while back...
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    How do I get organized?

    @jakemg I was on the trial for Housecall Pro, just didn’t actually use it. I’ll check it out again. Thanks
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    How do I get organized?

    @bluedragon1988 Thanks, was just looking for a new book, perfect timing.
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    How do I get organized?

    I am admittedly an unorganized person. I’ve tried using systems and software to help and they do help but lately I’ve felt everything is just so disorganized that it’s affecting growth. Don’t get me wrong, we’re growing and things work for the most part but I feel we could be in a much better...
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    I Spent All Morning Making a Paycheck Protection Round 2 Application Walkthrough

    @mariahhgrim I don’t believe so. I’m pretty sure I remember it can be any one quarter, just has to be the same quarter from 2019/2020. So if your Q1 from 2019 and 2020 show a decrease by 25%, you should be good. Again, I’m not 100%, just based on a quick read.
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    I Spent All Morning Making a Paycheck Protection Round 2 Application Walkthrough

    @man_in_pain Awesome. Thanks. Just to confirm, we have to show a 25% reduction in revenue for one quarter from 2020?
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    How to start a mobile car detailing business

    @rls What’s been your best ROI for marketing? Do you have any partnerships with business parks or anything of the sort? Do you have any “membership” programs? How long did it take you to get to a sustainable revenue? And then how long to make decent money?
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    Handyman side business — how to emphasize that I only want small jobs?

    @rakis Can I ask why you charge by the hour and not by the job? I never liked by hour because the better you get, the more efficient you get. If you charge $55 for a job that takes two hours but in 4 years you can do it in an hour, you’re making less for that job. I get that means more jobs in a...
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    Hour 6 into new idea, feeling good but need proper judgement

    @luke50 A couple of thoughts: 1. I think it might be a hard sell. While it’s nice to do, I don’t really think about cleaning my windows except when I wash my car. Maybe it’s a location thing? Not sure I’d pay just for windows getting cleaned on vehicle. But if you offered a quick clean, now I...