9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

@khan1123 Sounds you gotta get a CRM going, roll up your sleeves, and sell like you're an Account Executive with a quota.

Don't care if it's B2C or B2B. Start the sales machine.
@khan1123 You also may want to start thinking about ways to introduce scarcity.

Build a new feature. Say if you sign up before x date you get the feature lifetime free. If not price goes up, new plan.

Write helpful content on how your SaaS can be used. Followup with leads and trial accounts with that info.

Host a webinar.

I can keep going but you get the idea.
Thank you for all the replies, I really appreciate it and thank you for understanding my decision to stay anonymous.

After some thought and after reading some ideas here, I decided what to do next.

I will try to understand what's wrong with the current flow, why users are not upgrading, here's what I'll do:
  1. Ask existing users for feedback: an email sequence that will make them jump on a feedback call with us, and we're not going to stop until they either jump on a call or unsubscribe
  2. Create a new sequence for the new users with the goal of getting feedback and educating them about our product.
  3. Add a sign up quiz and ask the new users important information about them: who they are, who they work for, what problems are they having, etc.
  4. Add analytics and session replay so that I can understand better how are they using the product, what's going wrong, how and when they drop the product.
The main goal for now is to get the feedback, understand what's wrong, fix the problem, and finally get some users.

When it's hard, the only solution for me is to push harder.

I believe in the product, I know that there is a way to make it work, and I know that it can be of a great benefit to a lot of companies.

If you have any suggestions, I'm happy to hear them out.
@khan1123 Love the resilience! As an engineer I've learned there's shitty products that sell really well. Marketing/ sales is a huge pain point for eng types.

I've gone through the similar issues. I'd look into the following:

- Better understand customer/ potential customers. What pain point are you solving better than other and why aren't they closing?

- 30 calls to 0 customers sucks. Don't try to close on call 1. Call 1 is to identify their pain points. Where do they get turned off?

- Look at onboarding/ customer journey. It seems that you're doing a good job getting traffic, but there's something in onboarding that's turning them off.

Keep on hustling!
@khan1123 Then, I'm thinking you are not the first one to the market. You might already have plenty of competitors. How is your competition doing?

I know you use the product and you think there is nothing wrong with it. But, have you approached those close to 1k registered users who signed up? I think their feedback matters.
Forgot to mention in the original post that one of the calls was with a team from Amazon, and another one with a big transportation company.

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