aMaze Kids educational apps


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The product - Educational apps for kids of different ages, detective storybooks for kids. We design books (apps) for writers and illustrators based on the work they contribute. Then the books are exchanged on global Social reading platform where kids exchange books with each other based on points they have.

The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of) 4% of all downloaded apps are paid books. Competition is medium - a lot of products are of inferior quality.

Product analysis / comparison against competition - my first product is
What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising? - First product launched, working on the second one. Raising money to issue 5 more books and for promotion.
Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you) - Blogs, reviews, Facebook ads etc.
Why you? I love my idea, I am workaholic and very passionate about it.

@habdain A couple questions that come to mind.

Do kids find it fun? (would they open it over another app with lots of lights and sounds?)

Why are you exchanging books on a global social reading platform? What added value does this bring that justifies its complexity?

You had a lot of languages and a decently complex sentence in German, but your interactive parts were very simple. I'm wondering what actual range of kids this is relevant to. Are you trying to build fine motor skills in 3 year olds or teach 8 year olds some basics in other langauges? Or is the multilingual part just to make your app pertinent to more countries? Your youtube video leaves to many questions related to this. I think you need to specify, get traction, then diversify if you want.

What makes your product better? You say the competition is inferior but what proves that? The market for educational material for kids is fairly established, so what is unique about your product that will make me want to buy it over the other one with 500 reviews already?
Thank you for elaborate feedback
  1. The whole idea is for kids to have fun and great emotions while learning different skills (from math to just social skills).
  2. Interactive parts - the book you saw if for kids 3-4+ up to 8 yrs, they do not need 4D sophisticated animation. This is what teenager and adult gamers need. I have screened a lot of educational apps and books, some of their animations are even more simple. The ideas behind animations would be sophisticated (what triggers it, how it gets you to the next level etc).
  3. I am planning several series as I mentioned - world fairy tales for younger kids, cool detective stories for older kids. Multilingual - for kids from different countries to be able to use them.
  4. Books (including interactive books) are a product where new ones come out every single day and people consume them. Because people cannot read the same book over and over again (not a durable product), they can read it a couple of times. So they will want to purchase next book within the series etc.
@habdain Since this is meant for kids, I'll be nice.

First of all, it's not clear what you do in all this. If you are a start-up that works with writers, illustrators - where is your website? What part of the work do you do?

How are you better than anyone else and why does anyone need you at all? Most the app is 90% writing+illustration, and then another 10% of dev work that most devs can do. How are you distinguished?

There are millions of kids apps on the app store. That means that unless you're working with some giant brand or known writers, your app will probably not be used enough to justify the cost. How are you overcoming this?

How are you going to grow? Do you have lots of friends who are writers?

Honestly your "start-up" just sounds like freelance programming to me at the moment. Once you have a website and a presence and a portfolio specializing in this kind of stuff I might take you more seriously.

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