Converting visitors to customers


New member
I've seen posts over the last few days related to converting visitors to customers. This got me thinking about my own efforts and below is my capture of the key points to converting that I'm going to work on (as a bit of fun, I've massaged in using "CONVERTED" as the acronym.

My question; I don't claim to be an expert, so can I ask if people agree with my capture or think that I've missed a key item?

Clear – Your product or service must be clearly defined. Complex offers lose conversions.

Objections – Pre-empt the objections people may have. E.g. shipping, size, tech specs, FAQs.

Now – Give a reason to buy now rather than later. E.g. limited-time discounts.

Value – Highlight your value. Is your offer unique, cheaper, or better than your competitors?

Evidence –Show evidence to support your claims. Testimonials, testimonials, testimonials!

Risk – Reduce the risk for new customers who are wary of your offer. E.g. Guarantees, Warranties, Returns.

Tenacious – Be tenacious in your approach. E.g. reach out to users with abandoned carts, follow up with leads.

Easy – The process to convert has to be easy. The more complex, the fewer conversions.

Duplicate – See what works, refine your process, and then duplicate for ever-improving conversions.
@shonda1 I agree with above points but how a small business or startups would be able to show Evidence?

Also if you are comfortable sharing how you convert visitor to customers? (Assuming you mean online website?)
@siomarsh I think the best way to show Evidence is with customer testimonials. You can ask your customers to provide them. True you need at least one happy customer in the first place!
Assuming you mean online website

I wrote the tips regardless of the sales channel. Online website is one channel, but really you would combine the tips to all your approaches; in-person selling, direct mail, cold calling, paid ads.. etc.
@siomarsh I do, but my site is in no way an example of what to do :). I've posted here to clarify my own approach and see what people think and to get tips from others ...
@shonda1 Anyways , if you required any help regarding some tools (like SEM ,,SEO, Content making, Finding Lead, CRM and there are many more{cant write every tool here}) you can contact me. My company is providing such tools for free for 6 months.

Just let me know if you need any help in these area. Would love to help you

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