Feeling demotivated and a bit lost after applying to YC, anyone?


New member
For the last 8 months my after work hours, weekends and nights has been spent towards one goal.

creating a SaaS platform that solves a problem, from wireframes and scratches on paper to fully working platform almost production ready and apply for YC.

In order to go production i need to wire stripe for payments, and make sure i cover all edge cases when user onboards, not too much work, BUT!

I feel i am lost, after i applied to YC, i lost all my focus, i keep checking my email (although as a first time solo founder, with no users, i know my chances are very little) but still.

YC helped me focus, i created a demo, founders video even pitch deck, i prepared my landing pages, created dummy data for testing, everything, but now struggling to go back on track and finish my todos!, i keep searching for excuses, maybe it is now time to do some marketing? maybe i should apply to a punch of accelerators? oh it is time to test and check bugs!, totally lost my focus, anyone in the same boat?

Small update:
As part of the verification phase, I collected an email list of users ( few months ago) but I haven’t done anything with it yet ( was focusing on building the MVP)
@valeska Applying to YC or being accepted into YC shouldn't be your ultimate goal or marker of success. It's a stepping stone along a bigger, longer, harder journey.

You should 100% be talking to potential users, iterating the product, and getting to product market fit.

What are the top three things you can accomplish before Jan 1?

Also, read a comment where you said "barely got out of my room, dedicated every hour, for 8 months." My guy... that's a recipe for failure.

Make sure you're taking time away to rest, take care of your fitness, connect with friends, and have hobbies. This all or nothing mindset isn't actually helpful.

It's a series of sprints over a long marathon. Schedule your breaks while sprinting.
@valeska I was a VC for 7+ years before going to entrepreneurship. You don’t need YC’s permission to build your company. My best exit wasn’t a YC company. I agree, they do a lot of great stuff and have great resources, but they shouldn’t be why build
@valeska Why aren’t you busy finding customers for your product and making some revenue so you can apply to the next cohort much stronger? Sometimes reading these posts makes me feel people are building products to get into YC or get funding rather than building for their customers. Is that the issue here ?
@nickydhas I started this before even knowing what YC is, so no it is not only for applying yet with all honesty there is something appealing in getting backed by a giant like YC, with funding to sustain full time and great mentorship.
I am not quitting im just saying the momentum has slowed down and i am questioning why, is it happening to other founders
@valeska I would recommend you to forget about your startup for a while (until you hear back from YC).
And start doing manual job. I’m quite serious about it. First of all, start walking. A lot. Like 15k steps a day. Go to a gym.
The best way is to go to work on a construction site (but you have a full time job so it’s quite complicated).
Doing some physically hard job will help your brain to relax. Try not to think about your startup at all (thoughts will come anyway, but try to get rid of them).
Eventually, you will feel better, some ideas will come up, and you’ll be ready to continue.
If you can’t find something to do (idk help someone to renovate their house) try just to walk.
And try not to think about startup until mid-November.

I’m doing the same when I feel like you do. Last time I went on a construction site to install heated floors in new buildings 😂 well, I can “afford” it, I have a company that brings me money so I can leave for a few weeks to do whatever I want/need. After that I came up with several literally brilliant ideas.

Just reload your brain.
@wingnut0731 Wow that’s sounds fun and exciting
I definitely should start doing some physical work it could be therapeutic for me as you mentioned and brings me back to a steadier state of mind
Thanks!! Good luck
@valeska If you feel comfortable at launch, you probably launched too late.

You should be launching over and over again… you don’t need YC for that. Forget YC. They aren’t the end all, be all. If you are passionate about your idea, you should prioritize getting it in-front of people. All else will follow.
@valeska Go and chill for a few weeks then come back and focus on getting some users. Getting a ton of feedback will help you get PMF and make you stronger for next batch. I feel the same way. Also well done for achieving so much on your own.
@valeska You probably are too early, here's the thing though. YC is not going to solve your problems, or this problem. You gotta do it yourself and find your own motivation. Get some users, some traction and go from there. We went from nobody caring to several invitations to accelerators just this past week, tons of investor interest by putting in another six months of work. We have not the first clue if YC will care to review us this second time (we applied late last batch). We'll find out, YC is probably our first pick, but we have our first international start up conference next month. We've got almost 50k users, revenue and all these things we didn't have before and that still might not be enough or the right fit for YC.

We're not doing it for them, or anyone other than our community and customers. We've built four entire versions of our app with over a hundred updates in a year. You gotta think about what you're going to do on your own in these next six months. If you don't have those answers for YC, even if you get interviewed, how do you expect them to take you seriously?

I believe in ourselves that if we get our interview, we will get in, because the things we need help with is what they can help with. The potential of what we can do is near limitless, so it's not a hard sale, but we need certain guidance to take us from 50k to 5 million. So many people keep telling us we have product market fit, it's because we're further than them, but we're nowhere near it until we have at least a million users. Even then, we might need to go further to really have that.