My first ever SaaS made me $5 after 2.5 months and 2 weeks of dev time


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Two and a half months ago, I embarked on a two-week coding sprint to build an AI SaaS platform that, at its core, was a simple API wrapper hosted on Today, I've made a total of £3.50 from it.

Here's a snapshot of my journey and some honest introspection on what went right and what didn't.

Metrics after 2.5 months from launch:

Page Views: 1900

User Visits: 656

Free Signups: 121

Paid Subscriptions: 1

Revenues: $5

Costs: $12.78

-Domain name: $10 GPU & Model API bill: $2.78

-Supabase DB: free tier-Railway server: free credits (but should be at least $5 per month)

What I Could Have Done Better:

Marketing: It's tough. I've been tweeting into the void, trying to make noise in AI/SaaS directories. It's often demoralizing, but I've learned that it's a critical part of the process I need to invest more in.

SEO Basics: Missed out on implementing robots.txt and sitemap.xml, which could've helped with search engine visibility.Product Differentiation: The reality check that my product, being a simple API wrapper, lacked a unique selling point. Need to innovate more.

Video Content: The video on the landing page turned out too lengthy and dull. It's essential to capture attention quickly and effectively.

Pricing Strategy: Other sites had flexible models like pay-as-you-go or one-time payments. In hindsight, I see that my pricing could've been more competitive or creative.What Went Well:Development Efficiency: Leveraged open-source templates, like the next-subscription-payments repo on GitHub (, which was a game-changer. It integrated Stripe, cutting down on development time significantly.

First Sale: Despite the odds, I made my first sale, which was a small win but a win nonetheless!In essence, it's been a rollercoaster.

Marketing is an area I'll be focusing on heavily moving forward, and product differentiation is going to be at the forefront of my strategy.I'm sharing this to give a real look at what it's like to launch a SaaS product with minimal experience. To those of you in the trenches, keep at it. And if you've got tips, especially on early-stage marketing, they would be golden right now.

the product is here if you are curious:

Cheers,P.S. formatting is buggy
@southernyankee People get caught up in trying to make there site perfect and look cool, but that doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. As long as you can quickly convey the problem you solve, the value you bring, and how you do it. You are going to do well. The cosmetic stuff is just fluff and a distraction. A good product will sell itself
@southernyankee no way. it's impossible you get paid for a service with that rock! maybe it's my browser...IDK...but please add some CSS, at least to improve the placement of the elements LOL

@southernyankee Product wise it is awesome.

My two cents on landing page.
  1. On the top section move Title to left side and write steps on the right side of the title.
  2. Replace steps with nice video.
  3. In examples: Add Before-After slider. 2 images are enough instead of 4.
How do you have very low replicate bill? Even you are using GPU.
@southernyankee I'm interested, but I need to check the quality because services like this are usually very disappointing, with some poor usage of SD and Controlnet. If it works fairly okish you have a customer.

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