Rejected and yet *so* happy I applied


New member
Hey everyone,

I applied late, around May 13th, and received the rejection email yesterday. However, I am still genuinely happy for the following reasons:
  1. Thinking obsessively about YC for a month catalyzed so many new ideas and good conversations.
  2. The month I spent waiting was exhilarating. Not only was I anxious, holding onto some hope, but I also learned so much from you guys and other founders around the world.
  3. I binged on startup school, and that has been fun.
  4. It's nice to know that there's no San Francisco for me this summer. I can now move on with other plans I had for the next couple of months. San Francisco must (and will) happen some other time.
In brief, I close this chapter with new ideas, new hopes, different questions, great connections, renewed dreams, and an overwhelming amount of hard truths. Let's toast to that and enjoy the ride!

What did you guys learn in the process?

P.S. This is my first-ever Reddit post. Lol.
@josephelizabeth appreciate that perspective and definitely agree overall. very helpful experience even after submitting late and getting rejected. also, I really like your point on number 4. It feels very calming to have more clarity as to what is about to happen right now and next for the immediate plans and feels nice to hear someone else say that too.
@josephelizabeth Need super incredible clarity on the customer problem. Not a surface level understanding but the kind of understanding that comes with spending a TON of time with the customer and really peeling back the layers of the onion.

We know we need to have a LOT more conversations going forward :)
@josephelizabeth What time did you get rejection email? How did interview go? Did they ask about ARR during demo day ? Did they tell whether it’s online batch or personal?
@josephelizabeth Feel exactly the same! This process has taught us so much on the level of clarity we need around the problem we’re going to solve.

We’ll take a breather, go back to the drawing board but we’re gonna hit it hard next time.

We’re coming for ya!
@josephelizabeth This is the right way and the most needed mindset for any founder as failures/disappointments would hit us a lot along the journey. Fred not, you can still apply for the next batch with a better refined pitch. Just don't give up and wish you all the best!
@josephelizabeth The application process itself forced us to relook at what we are doing and ask the question, "Will anyone invest in this?" And that is an exercise worth the rejection.

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