Sorry Yelp, Karma Is A B!@#

@shelzmike as a small business owner their pricing is uncompetitive and was too high for a small 1 store mom and pop shop like mine. i cant afford 500 for yelp per month!
@shelzmike Just started a new handyman business and got suckered into trying out the ads. It was pricy for a new startup, but it really did help generate customer inquiries in my market and the algorithm bumped up my ranked from like the 10th pages to the 10th spot with only 2 reviews . But I've still been on the fence for keeping the ads going, after reading that though and reading this thread, I'm not convinced to end the ad campaign. Hopefully the page interactions help keep me ranked higher up in results though.
@shelzmike I love Yelp as a user, but as a digital marketer, their advertising platform and strategies are awful. Our rep is a "Mid Market" manager and he is insufferable. Advertising on Yelp provides little to no value to customers. Can't wait to cancel that contract.
@shelzmike I insisted they remove my company's data from their website and they refused. My Mexican friend says, "Yelp is the place for white people to complain." Totally agree. I've never had a single Yelp review, but have been awaiting the lame client who insists on using Yelp as a weapon.