"I feel stuck with no ideas", said the smartest guy I know


New member
Chris is the smartest person I've ever met. He recently quit his job to try to build products on his own while freelancing on the side for a year to see if this works out for him.

When he quit his job, he already had a product idea in mind. He spent a few weeks developing the product only to discover it had no market.

He felt defeated and guilty for wasting time, and wanted to quickly build and launch a new project.

But the problem is that he had no other idea, so he asked me if I could come up with any product ideas. Unfortunately for him, I am also bad at coming up with product ideas.

But then I had another thought: Why not just create our own versions of existing products? Better yet, why not create our own version of already successful pre-existing products?

So I decided to scrape the products for sale on Acquire.com, which had approximately 2700 products listed.

I gave Chris this list, he filtered it by team size of 1 because he wanted to build things by himself and it seemed a better direction, and he looked at what other products are built with the tech stack he's familiar with.

He is now currently building a SaaS inspired by one of the products on the list.

I have this database lying around, so I thought why not share it with other founders who might be facing the same problem as Chris.

It contains all of the necessary product information for you to decide whether or not to build it.

I'll be honest with you the only detail I think you'll find missing from the list is the name of the products. This is due to the way Acquire.com works, which requires you to contact the product's owner to obtain that information, making it impossible for me to scrape that information.

This shouldn't be a problem because you can easily find the product's name by Googling the description. Even if you can't, you have the product's competitor's names on file, which is useful.

But the file contains other valuable data:
- Category (Agency/SaaS/Mobile App/Shopify/eCommerce/Marketplace)
- Listing Headline
- Listing Type
- About
- Is Open to Offers
- Asking Price
- Revenue Multiple
- Total Revenue Annual
- Total Profit Annual
- Total Growth Annual
- Location
- Date Founded
- Team Size
- No. of Customers
- Keywords
- Tech Stack
- Business Model
- Competitors

This might be your chance to get inspiration for building your first $1,000,000 product!

Here is the free sample of 100 products from the database: Click here

You can buy the complete database for $15 from here.

Note: I'm restricting the no. of downloads to a maximum of 100.
Already 39 people purchased the file from the other places I've shared this file. So grab your copy now before the limit is hit.

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