Promote your business, week of October 9, 2023

@jamie75 Here is SaasPack. We provide unlimited design requests for SAAS founders and entrepreneurs., These include app design, web design, logo design, mockups, marketing material, and really all things design-related for WAY less than the competition.

Also if you refer someone to use the service I'll give ya $500. Check it out here:
@jamie75 Hey Small Business Reddit,

I own a digital marketing agency called Up The Brand.

We offer high end web design (Wordpress, Drupal, Shopify, Big Commerce), brand strategy and identity, Search Engine Optimization, E-Commerce, Custom Applications, Interactive Presentations and Google Ads. We are looking to collaborate with good social media companies.

A lot of companies offer these services, but we do all of them really well at a price small businesses can afford. For example many of our SEO clients were paying twice as much for way less results on search.

If you're interested in learning more about branding, I have a branding book you can check out to see if your vision of your brand matches your brand assets:

Feel free to print it out or not hit submit. I don't need your information, just something I'm offering up to get you to rethink how you brand your business.
@cypress88 Branding and identity is at the core of a successful marketing campaign. It's difficult to have successful marketing endeavors without a well calibrated vision for your brand. It improves the conversion for every tactic across the board.

I wouldn't say it's the core of what I do. I sell more website and SEO packages than I do brand identity kits, however I know that if you're looking to succeed, you can't leave the branding part out. I won't work with businesses who don't even have the basics right when it comes to their brand without going through branding first.

Everything we do is in-house. We currently have myself and 2 employees. The majority of the work flows through my hands directly but as we scale my operations person is looking to change that. I personally have nearly 20 years of experience.
@cypress88 I would say I'm a better web developer than I am a designer/brand strategist, but I'm obsessive enough to have a wide skill set. At some of the big agencies I've worked at I've taken on front-end dev, back-end dev, design and marketing work. I'm best described as an obsessive generalist.

I'm open to outsourcing more, but it has to be the right kind of person. It's difficult enough getting someone to write content correctly, let along any of the other things I do on my day to day.
@realist1981 I understand that. My "formal" training is as a web developer but I've been going through Building a Storybrand with Donald Miller to upskill my marketing / branding strategies and that has actually been a game changer for my designs.

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